Pain and Sad – Quotes Part 5

“Some stars are far away to reach✨”
“Can tears also cry?”
“Hurt me…
Hurt me…
Hurt me…
Hurt me…
I forget to exist”
“You took away the refilled colours of mine….forever!!”
“Saying goodbye to someone you never met! Have you ever thought about it? Have you ever gone through?💔”
“Some songs can break you …. literally”
“Have I faded away from you forever?”
“A day will come when
You start searching me in my silence,
And also the words I poured like rain.
But you won’t find me again,
Because I might have already started
Travelling to a new world,
Where I will never be a disturbance to you again”
“Some will gain
Some will lose
Some will both gain and lose
In love”
“I really wish I get a boat
Which can carry my feelings to you”
“Deeper and deeper
There are some sorrows
The heart never let go”
“Hurt me…
Hurt me…
Hurt me…
Hurt me…♾♾
I no longer exist❗️❗️”
“My eyes have started graying waiting for you.
I even thought of sending message in the hands of clouds.
But you always loved the language of silence,
Which is dressed like a clown & dancing between us.
Somewhere in those lanes
I am dying like a melting candle
And you never cared!”
“Whenever you pretend to fight to stay away from me
I always fly to reach your arms
When harmony and strife fight each other day by day
We together lose a lot, Irreplaceable lot”
“Why you expect again and again
Even after knowing
Those who you hold in your heart always
Never hold you back”
“When to hold someone
When to let go
I wish someone give guidance to heart!!”
“Can’t you imagine a state where you have to accept everything that is happening around you without being able to recognize whether you are dead or insane?”
“Will love fade with time?”
“How long should I damage myself for someone who doesn’t care me at all!!”
Let them go….. I will survive somehow😊”
“Sometimes I feel
We are a thousand years apart”
“Are we complete strangers now,
Or have we turned half-strangers?”
“Regardless of physical touch or soul touch, if not given, they give the same mental pain and anxiety”
“Have I faded away from your memory forever?”
Just to make our heartbeats colourful,
We simply believe beautiful lies,
Even wrap tears with colourful clouds”
“Some distances are born while being apart
Some distances are born while being together”
“What you scribbed in my heart
Can’t be erased with time.
How deep you bruised my heart
Can’t be healed with time”
“Your lost dreams will turn to long-lasting embers and burn you for a lifetime”
“Nobody left, giving reasons
They simply find reasons to leave”
“Love flowers reserved for you
In my love garden
Have been carried away by
Monsoon rains long back.
When tears which soaked my eyes –
Faded my view
I failed to understand.
After all, Love is blind always,
As it’s used to be”
“I lost you
You lost me
And it’s the end of our story✨💫”
“Is it the distance from heart to heart…
Something which can never be measured?”
“Ignoring me again and again,
Gradually you are dissolving
My inseparable existence
Which once resided inside you”
“How long can you hurt someone
If love is true?”
“Can stars also cry?
Do falling stars shed tears?”
“Full moon is raining from the skies
So are my eyes”
“Now I have stopped fighting
With you💔”
“Is unspoken love or unknowing love the biggest pain?”
“Life is after all nothing
But a drop of tear”
“If only I had the freedom to go like you do….”
“A feel like so near, but can’t touch
A feel like how much close you are,
That much you are far away”
“Never felt disconnected from you like this before”
“I truly deserved a fair goodbye”
“Moments when promises become mere lines drawn on flowing water….”
“I fear,
You will remain in my virtual world forever
As a beautiful rainbow🌈,
That can’t be touched,
But only be deeply felt”
“Tears can’t tell the story of every pain”
“Melodies are slowly fading away from memory lane
The lonely soul has departed into deep woods forever”
“Efforts should be from both ends. Otherwise how can I alone find reasons to reestablish connection with you every time?”
“The string of your tune which resides in my heart is broken somewhere”
“Many grieves have the deep red shades of rose
Sometimes so crazy like a shoe flower”
“Colors are dancing in the empty land
Dancing nights have gone far away
Will the gone twilights be revived again?
Will the gone birds return ever?”
“When emotionally shaken and touched the core bottom, you need assurance. Nothing else works here. Trauma still resides at bottom”
“I was nursing the wounds of your feathers when my wings were broken”
“Some who understand the language of money only”
“Pains do blossom as spring
And fall as autumn, some day”
“There are some pains that have no words
And tears with untold pains
Tapping into complex thoughts
Mind wanders through corridors without exit points”
“Not every heart beat becomes a life beat”
“If only I had the freedom to come and go,
Like you do”
“Intimacy is often just a feeling.
Nothing else!!!”
“Why so much pain stays between we two💫?
Once upon a time, only happiness blossomed in our space🌪️”
“I promised you a lavender hill
Full of lavender blossoms
But you gone,
Before they fully bloom”
“It’s just an illusion they will regret later, losing you. Those who are afraid of losing you will never leave you”
“From the space where I am not valued,
A quiet retreat”
“When the ages fell shedding its petals
I also fell and became another flower.
When the evening set
I also set and became another dusk.
Words without uttering a single syllable
When slipped into silence,
I was searching for you only
But you didn’t even know it”
“Love alone can’t make stories complete. Pain completes every tale perfect.”
“The evenings that never set, bloom in the innermost corners of hearts. Those embers will burn you for a lifetime”
“Some incomplete love stories are beautiful”
“Half of what told were lies
Half of what fallen were truths”
“Those who are at their fingertips
But never try to touch.
Those who are with us
But act as if they are not with us”
“Full moon is waning in my eyes. As days pass by, my hopes waiting for you are slowly diminishing”
“Have you ever felt like losing something which was never yours?”
“May my eyes filled with dreams
Rain non-stop
Till this scary night falls asleep
And the last tear of hope
Drenched in my dreams is alive,
So that my wet eyes never overflow again”
Read First , Second and Third Part of Sad Quotes Here.
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A freelance writer and blogger by profession since October 2011, interested in writing over a wide range of topics. Hope you enjoy my writings. I belong to one of the beautiful places of the world, Kerala, nicknamed as 'God's own country'.

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