It’s mind’s deepest and intense feelings which we hide most 💕💔♾💙
“I have so many hearts like different faces of moon 🌙🌜🌘🌔🌗♥️💔
Some are new, Some are old
Some are broken while some are full
My heart can turn to full moon
Sometimes it goes back to new moon
I just show my moon face which you want to see🌝
Choose the heart you want🤗”

“Deepest feelings go unnoticed most💔💔”
“True feelings are beyond all words”
“When mind oscillates as a pendulum to-and-fro –
In between two fixed points, ‘Yes’ and ‘No’,
Though it achieves stability for a moment at both peak points
It’s in confused state and keeps dragging in all points in between
And the uncertainty goes repeating in loop 🔥🔥😌😌”
“Want to filter the repetitions as I want”
“In real life, I am a better actor than you, my dear”
“Sorrows and happiness in full swing, equally distributed”
“True feelings are beyond all words✨”
“Painful heart is better than a frozen one”
“I can talk in lines and talk in dots too👀”
“Yes, it hurts. Yet I am trying my level best not to get affected”
“Will you heal my broken heart?💔💔”
When I try not to hurt another heart”
“Never say negative or discourage someone for his efforts, because you have no idea of what running on his mind. You can only process a part of his thoughts”
“What I need now is a little mental peace”
“I terribly fail to cry many times”
“We can exchange our thoughts with someone we care. But not our feelings”
“They are still living in dark era
And I belong to new world.
Perhaps our worlds will never meet🔥🔥”
“Will life sentence end in 20 years? Death should be the key leading to freedom.”
“Sometimes we have to live with a belief for a lifetime💜”
“Never think, I behave the same to you only after countless negligence. Still now I am doing the same to all those with who I am connected. Now I am used to it… #tolerance”
“To return back to the raindrops
“If I haven’t answered you yet
It means I have not started searching it”
“I always count my mistakes than others”
“Living in dreams of someone else”
“Just wish someone take care of my heart too,
“I have lost that battle 💔💔”
“You also proved to me, you are not different from others”
“It feels bad when people treat me as an emotion controlling machine”
“I found a reflection of myself in you💫💫”
“If people can spread so many lies, why can’t I say a truth?”
“I am a bit tired reading your silences
Now need a little words to fill in between”
“I fear to lie more than to tell a bitter truth”
“Sometimes I go fully muted,
Both in extreme joy and in extreme sadness🤗🤗☺️”
“Some things never change!!!”
“Can time change everything?”
“I don’t think I can change my belief to please someone”
“I may turn hyperactive if I am not OK”
“When I read some tweets, feel like posting the same thing🤭”
“Sometimes words can only become cages of true feelings”
“My mind has reached a muted mode though my thoughts are not”
“Living with a belief last 2 decades♥️♥️♾”
“Now my mind desires to go back and take those dreams along with me, which I left in middle”
“My mind works like multi-threads in action”
“No one has the right to insult another person, by simply remaining blindfolded against true facts, and by creating their own illusions”
“I bother less on the statements of those who I know less”
“I am a deep blue ocean, so deep and intense
Only 1% of my self and emotions are visible
Like outer surface of seas
Which itself has 1000 tales to ponder.
Beneath it lies my reality
Only underwater currents can measure.”
“I mostly hesitate to say ‘No’
Because I don’t want to break other person’s heart.
But often think, why not others think the same while dealing with me, & simply ignore.”
“I don’t want to walk back to those misty yesterdays
Just to know you loved me or not
Or to calculate the distance you created from me in the yesterdays
I am very much fine today”
“Trying to hurt you with my silence……”
“Till we reached my autumn fall🍁
We walked together as strangers”
“To hide something silly, if you lie to me, How can I trust you?”
“Two decades it took to realize the truth
Have been living in a world of illusion
Created by mind based on events and assumptions.
True or not, who knows!!!!
“When one task is finalized, next one is given
And it goes on in loop”
“Better keep your thoughts to yourself😕”
“I accepted everything with a smiling heart
As a good omen to test of time
It was a curse, not a blessing or test actually”
“I can’t speak and you can’t see💔💔”
“Forget about 6th Sense… It’s all about Non-sense … That’s what I am!”
“Living with a belief last 2 decades. May be an illusion…. Who cares
Survival techniques 👀♾”
“Everything was not enough!!”
“When you fear to express yourself
You end up in prison created by you”
“I appreciate intelligent minds. But never those people who forget to appreciate others. No one in the world is so talented to humiliate all those who are deprived of it in all means…..”
“I really love this moment
Which holds all those who I love
Though it misses a few
Who I regret never have been mine!”
“How deep you know and understand me💕💫”
“He is not even a single moment away from my thoughts…
So, it’s pointless to think… When he comes to my memory ❤️😊😇”
“I have always been an optimist in my life.
I never put my faiths within a time frame.
So it can go long & long & long
And at last end or lasts long with bitter experiences, which make me think,
I should have let it go then
Why I suffered all these when I had a better chance to exit”
“I used to believe in omens, a series of events leading to the occurrence of a beautiful moment. But nowadays don’t…..”
“World’s big battles are fought inside inner souls & rarely noticed by others”
“If I had not asked questions to myself, I would have never searched its answers or find them.”
“A reason to smile🌸🌸”
“Replacement is just to comfort our heart…”
“Am I just a three-month experiment for you?”
“It doesn’t mean I don’t want to return back to you. But what to do….
Time has travelled a lot of distance between us”
“I feel bad if someone play with my emotions. I have not given this right to anyone in this world, not even me”
“Am in love with an invisible man”
“I preserved one tear drop for later”
“My silent agonies are my footprints
Wherever I go, they also follow me”
“Best smile is the best revenge one can give to someone, And I try to smile always”
“How long can we pretend?”
“Those who respect others have a special place in my heart”
“Never think, I behave the same to you only after countless negligence. Still now I am doing the same to all those with who I am connected. Now I am used to it”
“Through her words, I talked to his heart 💕💕”
“Through your eyes, I talked to your heart”
“Healing mode turned on” #Survived #Recovered
“This time I forgot to hide my love in smiles”
“Reading the silence between we two”
“Very often I feel like a departed soul who can’t wipe your tears, even if standing near”
“Though we are close & very much in love
There is an invisible wall in between”
“I measure the distance between I and YOU,
In terms of the distance covered by you
To reach the silence between YOU and I”
“It hurts when you can’t find a friend in me”
“Why do you want to put chains to my thoughts also? You have already locked my dreams and stopped me from flying. Now asking me not to smile??”
“Used to think, others will read my mind & understand what I need. But changed that thought later, because everything in the world need to be expressed, if you want something. Yet no guarantee you will get it.”
“Correcting a mistake in the past when events get repeated!! 💫💫❣️❣️ #Expectations 🌈🌈♾”
“When you burn as candle from both ends
I shall drop my tears to put out the fire you suffer.
May be your silent agonies need it later
So I shall preserve one tear drop for later
Who knows I may carry a mind so frozen
Deprived of tears, sorrows & joy,
When you need someone to give a light”
“Now I can read your silence too”
“I can talk in lines and read in dots 👀😜
Sometimes read in lines and talk in dots👀😉
Now trying to read the silence between we two
Joining dots and making lines 👀👀😂😂”
“From the day you left, nothing remains the same 💔 “
“If am fully heartbroken, I may go to full muted mode, without any return”
“If I have no feelings for you,
Why am I feeling pain thinking about you?
Why do you always measure my feelings with yours?
I know, you have easily moved away years back
And I am still stuck there in an illusion
Waiting for your return🍁”
“I exist for many reasons unknown”
“Want to fix my broken heart all alone
Without seeking help any long”
“Why can’t you leave me if you don’t want me?🍁”
“Asked for a little love and little consideration only…
But I didn’t even deserve it either”
“Let me calm myself first”
“How can you withstand so much pain dear??” #AskingMyself
“Take vows today….
“I will never beg for love, compassion or consideration from anyone from today””
“When I am a totally failure before you
How will you agree my rights even if I could be right?”
“I could be right
I may perhaps take better decisions than you
But when I am a totally failed person in your eyes,
How will you approve even if I am right?”
“Can dreams seen for someone be finished through someone else?”
“How much can I worry? For how many people can I cry? For everything there is an extreme. Already I have crossed that boundary. Everything in a vacuum space now”
“It’s very difficult to remain in fake relations and fake to be happy”
“Mistake is not from my side…
If I can’t adjust the situation
“Feeling suffocation inside…..
In urgent need to get back to my old world of solitude”
“I gasp for solitude now…. I really want it”
“Either take me away from here
Otherwise take my life from me
“Why am I always asked to tolerate? Instead why can’t they ask you to correct?”
“The moments when you remember each time,
Your sacrifices are of no value……💔”
“I believe I deserve better treatment”
“You need not do anything for me…..
Why can’t you understand me??
Why can’t you avoid heart breaking words??🤔😐”
“My brain is almost dead because of overthinking”
Yet how can I miss someone else??🤔”
“I am tired pretending myself
To make others happy
Need a break
To enjoy the blue skies”
“Mistake is not from my side…
If I can’t adjust the situation
How can you all together
Put the blames on me?”
“How many times shall I forget? Yet, you repeat the same”
“You got everything you desired
You took short cuts to fulfill your dreams…..
Yet asking me
Why are you worrying over your lost dreams and your lost happiness,
Which I very much deserved!!!!!!”
“Some people with big lost dreams, sometimes see very big dreams too”
“I don’t want same mistakes to be repeated”
“It’s a heartbreaking feel when you realise….
You sacrificed a lot in silence
Embraced all sadness
Everyone around you are happy
And no one is really bothered about you”
“Everything gone is gone…..
Try to build a new world
Because it’s easy to build something new if everything is shattered”
“There are many who silently sacrifice many things without letting others know, yet never get happiness even after long wait”
“Whole through my life I faced humiliations only
Yes, I dream for a single day,
When everyone around me prove wrong”
“If you are alive, you should exist in some form”
“To live as a lost soul entire life is the hardest thing on earth”
“No one can change fate or destiny…..
Some deep words deep from heart
And hard efforts go muted!!!
Who to blame, And what for!!!!”
Nothing belongs to her”
“Some prayers are never heard”
“I always try to escape from the presence of people who can’t respect me, who try to humiliate and make me believe every time, I am not a worthy human. 🏃♀️ Learn to respect everyone, irrespective of age, social status, success n intelligence😇”
“I might be blamed as wrong by you
But I don’t care it anymore
Because I just expressed –
What was running in my mind.
You may agree or not”
“You can feel all alone when thousand people around you
And can also feel home when you are all alone😌😌”
“I overthink in numerous ways
“It’s a special kind of pleasure you know, when someone deliberately tries to hit the nerve and tries to break you, but you can’t stop laughing, yet you feel to act serious😂”
“Why can’t I just remain normal?”
“I am misplaced/displaced almost one year ago”
“Some seasons are forever for some people
They never change”
“I hurt every time
When I try not to hurt another person”
“Don’t hurt me by hurting yourself”
“My heart is slowly settling in sleeping mode”
“I am dying every day💔”
“I may take too much time to close a chapter
But once closed, It’s closed forever💜💜”
“Miracles happen & it becomes visible too
Cycles and patterns do shift, so unexpected
Last October & this October”
“I can’t find happiness in anything
Your absence hurts me that much😔”
“A feel like someone threw a stone into a silent bee hive”
“Can someone give me medicine for my forgetfulness?”
“Do I really have the freedom to dream? 🦋🦋“
“When emotions die in silence
“I have learnt to laugh aloud,
Each time I get disappointed!!!”
“Badly in need of positive triggers, not negative ones😌”
“Feeling heavy heart inside. Someone please make me cry”
“I can feel your silence”
“My words can lie, not my feelings💫💕”
“She decided to leave everything to destiny and give time a chance to change and heal her”
“God gifted me with the most beautiful moment
Happy faces around
Happiness smiling everywhere
I entered a new world
At that moment, a thought struck my mind
Things will no longer remain same between us
I got into deep thoughts & my mind disturbed
And it became true🍁💔”
“It makes me sad, someone who I get emotionally attached, fools me”
“Not able to keep myself busy to forget things”
“Will I meet with the same fate again?”
“Like the moon that fell in waves & flows
My mind also floats weightless in some unknown space”
“My deep pains never show up
It gets stumbled in deep silence without voice”
“I can appear as strong as iron
I can’t see a genuine heart hurt
Some see it as my positive sign
Some cheat me for kind gestures
Can’t mould myself into another
Just want to remain as me”
“Sometimes I feel like a suffocated fish without water on the river bank”
“I am tired pretending happy”
“Age is just a number. It’s all about feelings”
“Feelings and happiness …… They come from inside, straight from heart. We can’t create them”
“It’s pleasant if you are understood
That’s what everyone expect”
“My story died inside me💔”
“I want to create a false story to move on”
“Some feelings won’t die forever
But remain subdued when neglected and not reciprocated🍁🥲👀”
“If you want someone to teach how to hide deepest emotions, I am the best teacher in the world”🏃♀️🏃♀️💃💃”
“Mind and its thoughts
Like scattered clouds in sky,
fully out of order
When will I arrange and put them right?”
“Sometimes we expect for us….. Sometimes we expect for others”
“You have never given convincing answers to my questions. Yet I never took them offended”
“I don’t want to recreate that moment again”
“I can’t hurt you anymore with my negativity”
“Instead of hurting someone with harsh words, I prefer to embrace silence”
“I never want to hurt you, at any cost”
“Just struggling to live”
“Wish I could rewind past,
Plant a few blossoms in the drought hit fields,
“I desire for these repetitions. Though well aware, I can’t hold those moments forever”
“If my feelings are deep, I never try to make the other one understand it”
“It’s true, I got defeated many times. But I never regretted thinking, I never tried”
“I rarely share my deep emotions with other person.
For which I often get misunderstood 😐”
“As long as I have full faith in my love,
You have no right to question it, mock it
“I always love my deep emotions and thoughts to be understood
Rather than through words
At least by those who have a special space in my life🤗🤗😍”
“I was broken. That’s why I failed to react the way you expected. Hope you understood”
“I love all those who stay with me during my bad times
May not forget those dear ones too, who stand away trying to ‘correct’ me
Simply I don’t take revenge
Instead stay alone, in my own world💃💃”
“Only love remained less”
“Stuck at different moments in past
Still travelling different journeys together,
Starting from different points –
At different points of time”
“I may take too much time to take decisions
I may be very much confused too
The choice is already made
Never ever a turn back!!! 😂😂🏃♀️🏃♀️”
“I don’t demand anything, or ask
Simply remain silent, thinking
My thoughts would be understood by those
I never found perfectness or happiness in asking and getting😅😅”
“My words pouring about you
May reduce its flow sometimes
My feelings for you will ever change”
“I love all those who stay with me during my bad times
May not forget those dear ones too, who stand away trying to ‘correct’ me
Simply I don’t take revenge
Instead stay alone, in my own world💃💃”
“How much I miss our chats and laughs”
“I need peace, I have seen enough wars”
“Standing alone in a sea of defeats
I fought, I failed🚶♀️🚶♀️
Who are happy with my defeat
At least I am worth for it😊”
“Do you know how much I miss you all these moments when we are talking in another space?💫”
“I insulated myself in my own world”
“I want to breath🔥“
“Still in search of a path that can guide me out of this maze”
“Death should free me from everything
And allow me to fly in wings🦋🦋🤗🤗”
“Sometimes my mind just go blank when thoughts defeat me so bad”
“I am still the same dusk
Only, a few different shades are showing up now”
“Best battles I fought with myself
“I am that kind of person
Who consumes a lot of time to settle with a decision.
Nothing can pull me back”
“Let me walk a little bit backwards
To know if the shadow which ran away from me,
Comes back and join me now”
“If you can tell number of lies,
Why can’t I say a truth?😶😐”
“Please take care of my heart
Without offering anything new…”
“No one leaves you permanent with a simple statement of “Good bye” said in haste; just they may want a break. If they truly leave you all of a sudden, and never return, they never loved or cared you. Only it’s you who loved and cared them, if ever you asked them to stay.”
“I am broken beyond all repairs. Now it’s all my new world”
“Same story repeating 🔥
“This time I was more prepared, correcting my mistakes too”
“I believe I deserve better”
“I reserve special songs for special occasions”
“I overthink in numerous ways
“You may feel like I started doing things wrong
To start doing things right😉😃”
“Many times we turn blind to our intuitions and believe others’ words to regret later. In most cases, only because we fail to explain it to others, we simply neglect all those thoughts which our hearts say❤️❤️”
“Still now sometimes I feel, my tears are fake”
“I was busy with my own plans
To wrap my duties in a brief period
To set for another journey all alone,
When time got busy in planning something else”
“There was a time when I used to care each and every little things, people, opinions.
Slowly I learnt, nothing matters at all.
Now, I don’t care anymore!!!
I have stopped pleasing people long back, to earn their goodwill certificate”
“Please take care of my heart”
“Why can’t I just remain normal?😕”
“A feel of emptiness after yesterday’s storm
“I was not prepared even 1 percent for what went through 🥺😪”
“I wish I get someone to listen
Both my silence and words
I wish I get someone to hear
Both my unsaid noises and grieves”
“I want to become a permanent fixture in someone’s skies”
“Days, nights, dates and hours
Remain same, without any ripples
“Why questions always for me
And answers always in your favour?
Why, to get something your fortune always
And losing every time my destiny?”
You are a part of my skies,
A permanent fixture among my important things!!!!
Being used as ‘replacement’ object always 😒”
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