Tagged: Heart Strings


Heart Strings – Part 11

“If rain has a poetry, it’s you💖”   “Sometimes as drizzling rain Sometimes as a night thunderstorm Sometimes as hot summer Sometimes as chilling winter Sometimes as flowering spring And very often as falling...


Heart Strings – Part 10

“Pure love only deepens with time♥️”   “I wish, all words I write for you Fly and reach you”   “Your perfume follows me wherever I go”  “My heart’s secret chambers provided pages for...


Heart Strings – Part 9

“Some moments can’t be recreated💫🌪️🦋 They happen once in a life time 💕🦋🌈🌪️”   “Sometimes you get stuck at some point of time, So unexpected, waiting for something, Maybe a person or an answer....


Heart Strings – Part 7

“Can you please take care of my heart? Now, it belongs to you😍”   “I surrender myself as a prisoner to all those who I love”   “She cleverly escaped from All the fascinating...


Heart Strings – Part 6

“Far or near, irrespective of the worlds Souls meant to meet will meet someday💫✨ Sometimes at the most unexpected time, When you had some other future plans made Yet everything will be changed forever,...


Heart Strings – Part 4

“Trying to hold all broken parts together And I am sure, We will succeed one day💫✨❤️”   “You give those special heart beats no one else can💖”   “Whatever happens, I stay with you🤗🤗❤️”...


Heart Strings – Part 3

“My heart strings which never settle in words or tunes are infinite♾♾💫💕”   “When my eyes read the meanings of your silent smiles They stayed as your partner of crime in everything 😉💕💫”  ...
