Category: Household Tips


Salt Tips

Salt is the essential ingredient of almost all dishes. Though it’s not at all good for health, we can’t avoid it. Here are a few salt tips for you. 1. If you put a...


Be Eco-Friendly, Be close to nature

In the past one century or so, natural resources have witnessed a steep depreciation, and most sad part is, it’s not possible to recycle or recreate what man has already destroyed for his selfish...


Simple tips to clean your curtains

Curtains can change the whole look of your interiors. But they need proper care, cleaning and maintenance as well. There are different cleaning methods for different types of curtains. Have a look. 1. Pleated,...


While Using Bath Towels

  A few tips to keep your bath towels shining and fresh: To keep your bath towels soft always – Add 2-3 drops of ammonia to boiled water, and soak your bath towels in...
