Medicinal Effects of Grapes
Generally fruits are rich in anti-oxidants, and have good health benefits. It’s true they offer a few medicinal effects also. But it’s also to be noted that non-seasonal fruits are not healthy as they are ripened and sold in markets after undergoing many artificial food-ripening methods, apart from the over doze of fertilizers and other chemicals. Through this column I would like to brief a few medicinal uses of grapes.

How many of you know grapes have medicinal values to reduce constipation? Regularly give one teaspoon of grapes to your children. It can reduce constipation a lot. Grapes give a good solution to anemia also, a condition of lowering of red blood cells, giving a pale colour and also fatigue. It also provides solutions to urinary problems. Then what else?
Do you have low appetite? Make grapes an integral part of your daily diet. It has the effect to make you feel hunger for food. It improves appetite and taste of food. Those people who hate food can try this method. As per Ayurveda, grapes give freshness and can help one to gain weight.
It is also a good remedy for head ache, fast heart beat and migraine also. It also provides an Ayurvedic remedy for gastritis (amlapitta or acidity) too, if you serve grapes with honey and harde whole (Kadukkai). Kadukkai is called “Haritaki” in Hindi language. So it’s clear that grapes are best for digestion related activities of human body, Isn’t it?
I need to add – grapes are not advisable to feeding mothers and infants below 6 months old. I got to know about it from my experience. Soon after delivery my doctor suggested me not to eat grapes for next six months. Grapes are also not advised during cold and related diseases, and also kids below one-year old.
Image source: Pixabay
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