How can I let you go, my friend?

Sleepless thoughts
Misty puzzles we exchanged
Those pouring emotions
And endless conversations.
Still confused
Should I let your hand go
Or give your negligence a miss.
How can I let you go dear
Into the world of darkness again?
I know you are comfortable
In the shell created by you
But I can’t see you isolated
In your own world of thoughts.
May be to escape from emotions
Which you don’t want to keep to yourself
Or may be experiences from past
Still haunting you
Stopping you from attachments.
But let me tell you something dear
Not every is lucky enough
To get some hand to hold at bad times.
When feelings can’t be exchanged
Troubling inside like hurricane,
Lucky are those people who
Get someone with connecting emotions.
I shall shine for you
Forever in your smiles
And shall share with you
Dreams of mine also
Because you are a part of mine
I have noticed long time back.
You are not meant to the world
Which you belong right now
And you deserve much more
Than all heavens can bring you together.
And here I promise I shall never let you go;
And as your true friend and shadow
Shall follow you till
You turn back and look at me

Image courtesy: Pixabay
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never we can let someone go whatever they do or whatever happens in between..many a time I too wondered why
Yes, even if he/she wants solitude/loneliness, we keep following….. Right?