Dreams and Illusions – My quotes

“I don’t want to return to that space where my dreams are not alive.”

“I want that untold unfulfilled dream come true🦋💫💕”
“Have you ever died inside the beautiful dream of someone else?”

“My dreams don’t lie in your eyes
My words won’t reach your ears
My arms even stretched won’t reach you
Because I am dumb and you are blind

“It’s always nice to die in a beautiful dream”

“When you fade away as a dream
My dreams also start fading”

“Now my mind desires to go back and take those dreams along with me, which I left in middle”

“To wake from dream to present🤗🤗
To make it fulfill”

“Realistic dreams are powerful enough to bring you to the shore of destinations.They act as strong as catalysts sometimes, though many times your dream is your worst weakness too”

“I shall born and die in your dreams everyday
And your eyes and brain capture me forever”
“Can excess of beliefs in dreams or ‘always positive’ attitude turn one person Daydreamer ???”
“You came to me before my dreams
And have gone before they full bloom…”
“Some illusions add hopes to the buds to blossom”
“If these visible rainbows colors
Is like a bubble,
If only a dream🦋🌈
Let no one wake me up from this trance
& Let me die in the lap of this dream forever
Without hurting anyone,
Without letting know anyone”
“Some dreams are so
Just like morning mist
They come slowly, conquer us
And walk away before we open our eyes fully
Leaving us chilled”

“When you succeed you can dream something else and set for another journey”

“Revive your dreams you left in the halfway.
It will revive you”
“When mind starts filling new expectations
Dreams can soar new heights”

“Dreams can always have a tint of reality if you truly believe them”

“Some illusions keep you alive”

“Why, many of our dreams remain unfulfilled?
Are some of them been reserved by fate for next birth?
Perhaps some of our good happenings now were dreams of previous birth”
“Dark shades hold a mystic beauty🖤”
“You are living in my virtual spaces”

“Everyone has the right to build their own dreams. It’s about their personal choices. Simply because we dream something else about them, in fact fixed them in our colourful dream world the way we want, we can’t break their dreams & add our dreams to theirs, even work for that. It’s wrong”

“Good dreams always lead us to destination and we should never delay when dreams wake us from deep sleeps”

“When you came to me
My dreams & life returned back to me”
“Our dreams often disappear in glimpses like raindrops”
“Some dreams stay close to reality,
Looks very real
But never fulfilled”
“Want to see dreams which make eyes fall asleep
Want a night where I can fall asleep in those dreams🦋😴”
“When you dream with confidence,
Your upcoming dreams are more clear
Bringing you more close to reality
Much easier”
“An attempt to revive those dreams
Which went into sleep mode, aimless”
“Some journeys are like
There will be no return,
There is no need too.
Yes, you simply wish
No one calls you back
From your dream journey
Simply, you have accepted
And want to remain
In that illusion forever”
“Some people always own realities
While some others, only dreams”
“Have I ever existed in your virtual spaces?”
“Dreams add colours to your imaginations
Later add wings to fly….
So start dreaming today
To transform your imaginations into reality💕💕🤗💫”
“It’s often lucky to live in some beautiful dreams for a few moments for those who know it well, their dreams have been never colourful and ambitions have never changed to reality”
“Living in dreams of someone else” 
Do dreams also have glimpses of reality?”
“The dreams that sleep in the eyes are colored by the thoughts of the mind to some extent.”
“All dreams can dissolve in a single tear drop and disappear forever”
“Once upon a time I had a beautiful dream”
“Our biggest dreams and desires are our biggest secrets🦋💕”
Some dreams sleep inside us forever, unless triggered by someone or some incident”
“Faith can put me in another world where I can see my dreams so close. I don’t want to return to that miserable world without them, a space where my dreams are not alive. And there is a huge difference in both these worlds, just like day & night and two sides of same coin.”
“Some people leave behind their dreams for earning
While some others earn for pursing their dreams in future…
Both can give you pain at some point of time if balance is not made between the two”
“You can resume your dreams next night and continue dreaming till you accomplish”
“Good dreams always give us a new reason to live, fight for it and win finally. So keep dreaming”
“There are dreams that vanish like a rainbow
Hiding in single tear drop”
“Many dreams are so easy to achieve…
But we hesitate to believe so
And never strive for it
Remove that block from mind
And set go to purchase your dreams at any cost🤗❤️”
“Some dreams hide in depths like pearls in ocean. They just travel far away from us, maintaining distance & such dreams are always fantasies.”
“Have I started dreaming again?”
Dreams are needed only for living, not for dying”
“As long as I remain in your dreams,
I don’t care I get lost somewhere else ”
I don’t want to return to that space where my dreams are not alive”
It’s better to live in the dream world of illusions which gives happiness rather than struggling hard in the darkness of reality”
“Some dreams make us sleep forever and we never wake up
Those dreams maybe beautiful or even nightmares too”
“There are some dreams which go far away when we go near.
Some people too!!”
“When everything occurs bad in life, it’s not that easy to accept good things coming the way. Mind goes to previous experiences. It takes a long way, and a bunch of good experiences to make them believe, they too deserve to dream, there could be sunrise in horizon one day”
“You are living in my virtual spaces,
And I am inside you,
As a tint of dreams”
“Unborn dreams💫✨
Which die in the eyes of someone❣️💔

Misty yesterdays mostly have a dreamy effect”

Dreams can also change to reality
Though not all, at least a few”

When you shifted my place from reality to dream world, I became your stranger forever”

All love stories are not incomplete
All dreams are not fulfilled
All nights are not black
And all hearts don’t need love”
Sometimes you take a long route to travel through the world of illusion,
It becomes uneasy to cover the distance between illusion and reality”
“Feeling emptiness
And full of dreams at the same time.
Weird am I”
“Sometimes dream or desire is just an illusion!!”
When dawn was getting ready to wish the parting night
As an uninvited guest you peeped into my sleep,
Oh! My beautiful dream!
Why you came as a morning mist,
Chilled me for few moments & vanished forever?💜
Today, I am sitting alone,
Reminiscing that evening you parted,
Counting those painful moments which I bought
Counting those parting moments till present
Along with those sorrows I don’t want to let go💜”
“Some amazing journeys start with a dream and last forever”
“Some misty paths
With a thin line between reality and illusion”
“It’s so beautiful to imagine certain moments
To keep mind happy.
Possibly, they may not be true
But we really wish, they become true”
“Walking through a rusted bridge
Which stands between the worlds of reality and illusion🔥 “
“To be lost and found
And again lost, not to be found
Is the worst dream ever”
“Both, illusions which appear as beautiful dreams and nightmares can make you sleep forever”
“I am tired filling voids with hopes and illusions
Now I need to touch the reality”
“Each tiny desire bears thousands of untold stories”
“Some dreams always keep distance from me”
“Why can’t you meet me finally in real time?
I can’t keep you more in my illusions and crazy imaginations”
“Many things have ended long ago
Only illusions keep them alive for a lifetime”
“Some illusions are for a lifetime
You have to compromise with life most times
For your survival”
“World of illusion hesitating to touch the world of reality”
“I dream about repetitions🦋
And the temporary happiness of beautiful nightfalls
To come near me for a few moments to stay
Yes, I just wish!!
Also the lost beat of heart,
Its music and rhythm
Yes, for just one moment to stay😌🥺
“In the cloud drops dissolving in soil
How can you search the meaning of your faded dream?”
“Someone should wake you from some dreams
While some others worth to exist forever”
“Dreams are like bubbles
They easily float in air,
Easily break too!!”
“She always failed to connect her dreams with real world”

“Can dreams seen for someone be finished through someone else?”

“My dreams are slowly in blurring phase”

“When you approach me as a truth (reality)
Dwells in my nest, thousands of truths💕
But when you fade away as a dream
My dreams also disappear, following you🔥”
“Do dreams have a shadow of reality,
Though mysterious, wrapped in clouds?”
My hopes leaving me one after one
My dreams leaving me thousands in a row”
One moment of darkness is enough
To snatch away lifelong rays of light
But just one ray of hope is sufficient
To bring back your dreams alive”
“Some dreams slowly settle in silence”
“Life without dreams is like an empty planet”
“Sometimes… I know….my dreams cross limits –
And tempt to touch boundaries
But, yes, I will survive somehow
Because I don’t want those dreams anymore🍁😤
I have added new colours to my dreams and rainbow🦋🌈♾”
Some people with big lost dreams, sometimes see very big dreams too”
I don’t know why my dreams are always snatched away at hand-short distance, when I virtually touch them!!”
“In between the worlds of illusion and reality
I am now travelling a lonely journey
Across a thin thread bridge,
Without being able to connect them together”
“Last sleep forever💕
Free of dreams, happiness, pains and agonies”
“It has stopped raining in my dreams”
To loss the most beautiful dream is the weirdest dream ever”
Sometimes life gives you the most beautiful dreams at the least hour when you expect and they never enter into the world of reality #Illusions”
“Whole words in the universe can’t tell how much I am suffering in this illusion since long”
“Don’t ever forget,
Even while you are busy assembling your shattered dreams and hopes to rebuild yourself
Some others are busy weaving new dreams in their own worlds”
“What fate offers as replacements for irreplaceable losses
Are often colourful illusions, which you can never get hold of”
“In an attempt to give new life to those aimless dreams which slipped into sleep unknowingly”
“I should die when I am alive in a beautiful dream🦋🌈”
“Illusions can be counted among the best survival techniques”
“You are living in my virtual spaces,
And I am inside you,
As a tint of dreams”
“It’s said….
Day dreams are reborn at night”
“Many dreams only last a bubble!!!”
“You are my most beautiful dream ever
And I don’t want to wake up from it”
“Nobody has anything to claim as their own
Except for all these floating illusions…”
“May my eyes filled with dreams
Rain non-stop
Till this scary night falls asleep
And the last tear of hope
Drenched in my dreams is alive,
So that my wet eyes never overflow again”
“A world between dreams and reality is often impossible to shrink. Many of our heart rhythms will never transfer to rhythms of life!!”
“Lost dreams find path somewhere inside our deep breaths”
“There are many people who pretend not to see –
Their budding dreams and desires🌹🦋
And simply walk away.
They simply remain blind folded even while –
Even while those dreams blossom and shed
They are helpless to give water and fertilizers🚶‍♀️😕”
“When desires and dreams give us sleepless nights,
Sometimes we need to sing a lullaby to put them into sleep”
“A part of that beautiful dream will always stay with me
And wait for you forever
“Occasionally illusions are mirrors to reality”
“Some dreams last forever❣️❣️”
“Was a beautiful, yet painful dream!!”
“Reality can also paint beautiful illusions sometimes”
“Some sad memories are to be kept away from real world, somewhere in illusion”
“What if, you fell asleep heart broken with the reality your best dream gone forever, and wake up into same dream as an illusion, seen fulfilled with all happiness around✨💫🤩”

Image credits: Pixabay


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A freelance writer and blogger by profession since October 2011, interested in writing over a wide range of topics. Hope you enjoy my writings. I belong to one of the beautiful places of the world, Kerala, nicknamed as 'God's own country'.

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