20+ Useful tips to make your furniture sparkle and preserve for long years

Furniture adds liveness and beauty to your interior. But they are costly as well. Royal furniture gives royal look. But if not maintained properly, it looks like a dumping place. To keep furniture clean, sparkle and withstand its old age, let us remember these few points. Also read: 10 tips to preserve your antique properties.

Useful tips to make your furniture sparkle

1. Once in every year or two, do oil coating for your exterior furniture. Otherwise it may be attacked by pests easily. Lin seed oil and teak oil are best to protect your furniture against pest attack.

2. Polymer/Melanin coating is the best alternative for oil coating. It’s better to use a sand paper to clean the old furniture before applying the fresh coat of paint.

3. If you use stainless steel caps for the legs for your exterior furniture like chairs, table etc you can protect them from crickets and pest attacks.

4. If you keep your dining table tidy, you can use it for long years. To make it durable clean your dining table using soap dissolved in warm water.

5. Dissolve one spoon citronella oil and three spoon olive oil in water. Clean your dining table using this solution once in every week. It kills germs and makes your dining table sparkle.

6. Vacuum cleaner is best for cleaning carpets, but take extra care while using them. Use vacuum cleaner in the same direction of the woven threads to retain its beauty. It makes your carpet more durable than normal cleaning methods. If you use vacuum cleaner in the opposite direction of the woven threads, it destroys the beauty of your carpet.

7. When you use stainless cleaners to remove stains from carpets apply stain remover from stain’s edges towards its centre. It prevents the spreading of stains from its edges.

8. When you clean your branded furniture follow the instruction manuals thoroughly. It helps you to keep your expensive furniture durable and spark for years.

9. If you are not using a particular chair or table for long time, it’s better to cover them using cotton cloth to protect it from dust and pest attack.

10. Furniture needs fresh air to breath and warmth of sunlight as food.

Tips to preserve wooden furniture for long years

Furniture may be too cheap or too expensive. But if it’s kept in moderate temperature and conditions not being exposed to high temperature or coldness, they can be preserved for quite a long time. But air circulation is a necessary factor. Let me give you a few more tips to make them long lasting and durable.

1. Light sunlight exposure is best for furniture once in every two weeks to avoid fungal attack. Indirect sunlight is sufficient. Just open the windows and doors to allow maximum sunlight and air circulation.

2. Use thinner to remove water drops if fallen accidentally on your furniture. Use thinner exactly in the same direction of natural lines and direction of polish applied.

3. If your furniture is attached by moisture particularly in rainy season, remove it as early as possible. Cotton cloth is best for absorbing moisture. Just press it softly on those moist surfaces. Never scratch it or rub strongly to remove moisture.

4. If your bamboo furniture is painted you can wash with water to remove dirt. But if it’s a polished one (not painted one), clean it with a piece of cloth. Never put bamboo furniture under direct sun.

5. If there are chances for moisture attack, including rain never put your furniture in courtyard.

6. Never cover furniture using plastic sheets. Let them breathe freely.

7. To remove dust particles from upholstery of furniture, vacuum cleaner is the best option.

8. If silica sachets are fixed in wooden shelves, dark spotting on clothes placed inside can be avoided up to some extent.

9. If chair back is used in furniture that’s used regularly for watching television and doing other activities, direct contact of furniture with oil of hair and sweat of body can be avoided.

10. Wooden and bamboo furniture should be polished or painted at least once in every 5 years to make them long lasting.

So, we have come to an end of this column. Hoping these tips will help you a lot.

Image source: Pixabay

Read a few more articles on cleaning & maintenance of home & preserving interior and its elements. Here is the page link. Click on the images in the gallery to read.


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A freelance writer and blogger by profession since October 2011, interested in writing over a wide range of topics. Hope you enjoy my writings. I belong to one of the beautiful places of the world, Kerala, nicknamed as 'God's own country'.

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