Chilli Fish

Ingredients for Chilli Fish:

1. Pomfret (Avoli) – 1 kg

2. Chilli powder – 1 small spoon

    Salt powder – 1 small spoon

    Soya sauce – 1 big spoon

3. Oil – For frying

For sauce:

4. Garlic with skin crushed – 10 cloves

5. Onions chopped fine – 1 cup

6. Ginger chopped fine – 1 small spoon

7. Red chillies – 7, cut into small square pieces

8. Crushed chillies – 1 big spoon

9. Maida – 1 small spoon

10. Tomato sauce – ½ cup

      Fish stock prepared using fish spines – 1 cup

11. Capsicum chopped fine – ½ cup

     Celery chopped fine – 1/4 cup

12. Pepper powder – 1 small spoon

     Salt – As required

     Sugar – 1 small spoon

To decorate:

13. Grated potato or fried noodles after cooking – As needed

How to prepare Chilli Fish?

1. Clean the fish and marinate it with ingredients no: 2.

2. Allow it to rest for 1 hour.

3. Heat oil in a pan and fry fish till golden brown.

4. Take ½ cup oil from it and sauté crushed garlic, and keep it aside.

5. In the remaining oil, sauté onions followed by ginger.

6. When onions turn light brown, add chopped red chillies and sauté again.

7. Add maida and sauté it again.

8. Add tomato sauce and stock and boil the contents in low flame.

9. Take 1 spoon each from chopped capsicum and celery and keep aside.

10. Add the remaining capsicum and celery to the boiling gravy.

11. Add pepper powder, salt and sugar, mix well and put off the flame.

12. Just before you serve, spread fried fish in a serving plate and pour the gravy on its top.

13. Decorate it with fried noodles, celery and capsicum.

Courtesy: Vanitha Magazine April 1-14, 2010

Chilly Fish (Recipe 2)

Ingredients for Chilly Fish (Recipe 2):

1. Fish – 1 kg

2. Egg – 1

   Maida – 50 gm

   Pepper powder – 2 big spoons

   Soya sauce – 2 big spoons

3. Oil – 100 gm

4. Onions chopped – 200 gm

    Green chillies – 20, chopped

    Capsicum – 2, cut into square pieces

    Celery – 2 stems, chopped

5. Chilli sauce – 4 big spoons

    Soya sauce – 4 big spoons

    Tomato sauce – 4 big spoons

    Pepper powder – 2 big spoons

6. Cornflour – 2 big spoons

    Water – ½ cup

How to prepare Chilly Fish (Recipe 2)?

1. Clean fish and marinate with a mixture of ingredients no: 2.

2. Fry fish pieces in oil and keep aside.

3. In the remaining oil, sauté ingredients no: 2.

4. Add ingredients no: 5 and mix well.

5. Bring the contents to boil, and add fried fish pieces and sufficient hot water.

6. Reduce the flame and cook fish pieces.

7. Mix a little cornflour with water and add to fish.

8. When the gravy thickens, put off the flame. Serve hot.

Courtesy: Vanitha Magazine, May 13 – 26, 2023

Read a few more fish recipes here

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A freelance writer and blogger by profession since October 2011, interested in writing over a wide range of topics. Hope you enjoy my writings. I belong to one of the beautiful places of the world, Kerala, nicknamed as 'God's own country'.

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