Category: General Reference

This section includes general reference articles on subjects which are not categorized under other sections, and not based on my thoughts. Posts are purely general reference topics.


A brief note on Employee Retention strategies

Employee Retention is an organization’s ability to prevent voluntary and involuntary employee turnover, and Employee Retention strategies primarily focus on implementing various business plans to reduce employee turnover rates. How do Employee Retention strategies...


Can Curiosity discover new things about Mars?

Curiosity means ‘A strong desire to know or learn something’. It indicates eagerness to know about something too. That’s the reason why NASA gave this strange name to robotic rover for exploring new things...


The real face of poor African countries

Who is poor? What is poverty? Which countries of the world struggle from famine and malnutrition? According to reports some of the African countries living under the dark shadows of Sahara desert are struggling...
