Social Media
“Seeing the restless of the world,
I often feel like
This social media is
Nothing short of a nuclear weapon🥺😓

“Chatting and social sites are good to bring you from an isolated world where you hide yourself. But never make it a habit. Small dose is OK”
“Social Media can serve as a break from both your isolated and busy world. See its good sides and use it wise. You can yield better results”
“Never try to connect virtual world with real world with a chord which never exists. It’s better to see them as two different layers”
“Real love and intimacy is now measured based on posts and likes in social media”
“How can someone judge people based on DP used, status used or posts made? How can all these things be linked to reality?โ
“True bonds can also be formed through virtual world….
Though we type with fingers, we speak through hearts💕💕💫”
Image source: Pixabay
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