Be Eco-Friendly, Be close to nature

In the past one century or so, natural resources have witnessed a steep depreciation, and most sad part is, it’s not possible to recycle or recreate what man has already destroyed for his selfish needs. In things go in this fashion, nothing will be left for future generations or our children. At this point, only thing we can do is to preserve what the little is left, and to show to future generations, how to conserve our Mother Nature. For that, let us become eco-friendly and follow some of these simple steps.

1. Always carry a small piece of cloth bag in your handbag, whenever you are out or go to office. A thin bag that can be folded as four is sufficient. You can also stitch such less-expensive bags from old cotton clothes. It can reduce the consumption of plastic bags for small evening purchases to great extent. Such bags can be washed easily and reused as well.

2. Why can’t we avoid expensive plastic and electronic equipment as gifts for weddings, parties etc? Many eco-friendly craft items are available in market. It can not only add beauty to interior, but also promote and support those poor people who solely live selling such crafts. Costly craft items are also available. You can choose based on your pockets.

3. Instead of plastic gifts, you can also purchase indoor plants or plants of rare variety. Such gifts are unique and will be loved by those who have gardening as their passion.

4. For short distances, make walk a habit instead of choosing bicycles. Also if possible, try to use public transport to reduce air pollution to maximum.

5. For car cleaning and watering plants, use buckets instead of hoses to reduce the average water consumption.

6. If you take note of these simple things, it’s a small effort from your side. If 10 or 100 people follow your footsteps, it really makes a great difference.

Image source: Pixabay

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A freelance writer and blogger by profession since October 2011, interested in writing over a wide range of topics. Hope you enjoy my writings. I belong to one of the beautiful places of the world, Kerala, nicknamed as 'God's own country'.

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