
Ingredients of Rasmalai:
Method of preparation of Rasmalai:
- Prepare resagullas first. For that, mix sugar and water and boil well. Distill the impurities when it’s fully boiled. Make small paneer balls.
- Add paneer balls to this boiling sugar solution and cook for about 30 minutes.
- When balls are fully cooked put the flame off. You can add essence as well.
- Boil milk in a container and add ingredients 4. Mix contents well.
- Take rasagullas from sugar solution. Drain complete sugar syrup and add to milk.
- Boil the contents well.
- When milk reduces its quantity in considerable amount take it from flame and allow it to cool.
- Refrigerate it and decorate your rasmalai with saffron and almonds to serve.
Rasmalai – Recipe No: 2
Ingredients for Rasmalai:
1. Rasagula – 1 tin
2. Milk – 3 cups
3. Cardamom powdered – 8 nos.
4. Kewra essence/Rose water – ½ tsp
5. Saffron – 2 pinch
6. Almonds after removing skin – A little
7. Sugar – As required
8. Pista chopped – A little
How to prepare Rasmalai?
1. Heat a thick buttom pan.
2. Pour 2 tsp water and then 3 cups of milk. Water is added first so that milk won’t stick to the bottom of pan.
3. When milk boils, add almonds, cardamom powder and saffron.
4. Reduce the flame and stir milk occasionally to avoid overflow.
5. Add sufficient sugar and boil milk till it reduces to half.
6. When milk thickens, add Kewra essence and take it from flame.
7. Place each rasagullas in your palm, press it and remove excess water.
8. Add rasagullas to the prepared milk mixture.
9. Decorate rasmalai using chopped pistas.
Courtesy: Grihalakshmi Magazine April 1-15, 2018
You can read yet another Rasmalai recipe published in Vanitha here.
Also read a few more desserts with milk/condensed milk as one of the ingredients. Here is the page link. Click on the images in the gallery to read.
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