Know more about reverse hair washing trends

Every person has their own ideas, when it comes to hair care. They follow their own procedures too. Traditionally, first shampoo is used to wash hair and then the conditioner is applied. It helps to protect your hair from getting dry, and keeps it soft. But if you have an oily scalp, it only increases oil in your hair. It can lead to skin and scalp issues, and even hair loss. So you can try reverse hair washing technique, which may help you to sort out this problem.

You can make dry hair soft and beautiful

First soak your hair and apply hair conditioner first. Never apply conditioner on the scalp. After 5 or 10 minutes thoroughly rinse your hair and then apply shampoo. Now you can wash your hair with cold water. Wrap your hair using a towel. After drying your hair completely, you can comb it and do styling as you need.

Advantages of reverse hair washing

When you follow this procedure, you need to use only less amount of shampoo. To avoid shampoo and chemicals sticking on your hair, reverse hair washing can help you.

When you apply shampoo in excess, it may remove natural oil too, thus adding more dryness to your hair. When you apply conditioner first, this problem is solved.

Reverse hair washing can help you in avoiding over-tangling of the hair. It is beneficial when it adds a new life to dry hair through this method, making it more beautiful and soft. As excess oil is removed, it is a remedy for skin issues and provides a healthy scalp.

It gives a thickness appeal to hair, when you use shampoo second. It also helps in styling the hair much more easy. Your hair knot stays so for a long time and won’t blow in wind.

To add, oiling hair first and then shampooing is also a traditional style of reverse hair washing, practising since ages.

Image source: Pixabay

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A freelance writer and blogger by profession since October 2011, interested in writing over a wide range of topics. Hope you enjoy my writings. I belong to one of the beautiful places of the world, Kerala, nicknamed as 'God's own country'.

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