Sweet Thatta

Ingredients for Sweet Thatta:
1. Jaggery peeled – 1.5 cups
Coconut milk first – ½ cup
2. Wheat powder – 2 cups
Baking powder – ¼ small spoon
Salt – 1 pinch
3. Oil – To fry
How to prepare Sweet Thatta?
1. Melt jaggery in coconut milk and filter it.
2. Mix ingredients no: 2 and blend well.
3. Add jaggery solution to wheat mixture and mix well to prepare batter similar to chappatti.
4. Make gooseberry sized balls and spread similar to small pooris. But they should be thin.
5. Heat oil in a pan and fry thatta till they turn crispy. Fry both sides.
Archive: Vanitha Magazine August 15-30 2016
Also read the salted variant of Thattai recipe:
Read a few more wheat flour snack recipes. Here is the page link. Click on the images in the gallery to read.
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