Lemon Ginger Squash

Ingredients of Lemon Ginger Squash:

1. Lemons – 100

2. Ginger – 200 gms

3. Water – ¾ litre

4. Sugar – 2 kgs

5. Potassium metabisulfite – ¼ tsp

6. Lemon essence – ½ tsp

7. Yellow colour – 1 pinch

How to prepare Lemon Ginger Squash?

1. Extract juice from ginger.

2. Prepare lemon juice.

3. Prepare sugar syrup and add ginger extract.

4. Once syrup gets cooled, add lemon juice, Potassium metabisulfite, essence and colour.

5. Mix the contents well.

6. Filter and store in bottles.

7. Before you serve, you can add water and ice cubes.

Note: You can also serve this drink without adding water. You can prepare 3 bottles of Lemon Ginger Squash using the above method. You can also replace ginger juice with Naruneendi juice. One glass of drink contains energy 3%.

Here I provide a simple method to prepare Cashew nut Squash. For that you need Cashew juice (extracted from cashew fruit) – 1 litre, sugar – 2 kg, water – ¾ litre and Potassium metabisulfite – 1/2 tsp. You can prepare Cashew nut Squash with the above given method. But while preparing squashes of tomato and passion fruit, you need to add 3 kgs.

You can also prepare delightful squashes using jackfruit, jamun, rose apple and orange.

Archive: Grihalakshmi 2008 January

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A freelance writer and blogger by profession since October 2011, interested in writing over a wide range of topics. Hope you enjoy my writings. I belong to one of the beautiful places of the world, Kerala, nicknamed as 'God's own country'.

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