“All the colours of life show up together at sunset,

Interpretation 1:
When sunset takes day along with him in the evening, there stands somewhere on the way the helpless night in black veils, without saying anything or without doing anything.
When sunset takes day along with him in the evening, there stands somewhere on the way the helpless night in black veils,with silent words.
“ले जाती जब साँच दिन को अपनी साथ
खडी है रस्ते बेबज़ रात
काले लिबाज़ में छुपाके चेहरे
कुछ न कहे या कुछ न करे”
Interpretation 2:
When moon lights lamps in the sky
Night bends down to meet day at dusk.
“Dawn gives us new hopes and freshness of a day while dusk gives a promise to return back next day. Evenings give us time to give away our burdens…….. And which one is more beautiful?”
“Night & Day wait for long hours in patience
Till they get a single moment at dusk
To exchange their love & emotions
When sun just sinks to deep orange seas”
“Sunrise has never met sunset ever in his life. Then how can he blame her to be disloyal and that she broke the promises in the lust of charming night?”
“Where does the twilight sink soon after sunset? Is she the same person who takes rebirth and returns as dawn next day morning?”
Just like Sandhyas (nightfalls) born everyday
Only to get shattered again & again as usual?”
“Why rebirths of hopes do repeat
Just like nightfalls born everyday
Again and again as usual?”
“Though you carried an ocean full of love in your heart
Why you turned a silent dusk always?♥️✨🦋”
“Nightfall is slowly losing its shades….
“The shades of nightfall have begun to fall
How long can she hold on?
If this vibrant coloured mask is lost
She has no other choice left
Except to melt into the darkness of night,
“Nightfall sky has infinite colours & shades
Those different shades mixed by rare colours using a paint brush
At which moment it transforms to a new shade
This uncertainty/unpredictability makes her different from other seasons💞🤗”
“Each nightfall comes and goes with the reminder that there is nothing to stay with you”
“Birds leave nests during sunrise
And come back during sunsets.
Everything else remain the same
For dawns and nightfalls”
“Sometimes we fail to distinguish between dawns and sunsets”
“When dawn and sunset cast same shades,
Same colours and same beauty,
How can someone tell the difference
“Darkness everywhere and sun lost its way
To help him, moon and stars hold lamps🔦🔦
And made him cross the paddy fields
By that time twilight has waken up
Again a return journey for moon and stars🌝🌠”
“The evenings which leave without telling you
The day breaks which peep your window
Without seeking your permission”
“How many more nightfalls are left?”
“Twilight comes with new promises and hopes. But in the evening, he disappears like betraying lover. That’s why deserted nightfall leaves handsome day and embraces dark night”
“Dusk went missing for a while
Yet she carried her moon in her heart as always”
“If darkness is the ultimate truth, why night falls are born to give false hopes for short moments? Why this cycle repeats?”
“I am still the same dusk💕💫❤️
Only, a few different shades are showing up now
Which I hide or never intend to hide
Which you read and I never intend to show”
“When nightfall arrives, nature turns beautiful like a bride. But when she returns, she takes away with her whatever light rays which were left till then, & change the whole scene into darkness. Same is the case of spring too, which takes away with her even the last glimpses of blossoms.”
“The space where once colours danced and left,
Nightfall has arrived and started its performance
After it goes, night comes in
And all those vibrant colours will be gone.”
“Nightfall and setting sun give you hopes and dreams if your nights are colourful🌈💫💕”
“How many night falls have set till now and how many are remaining! Everything resembles this misty evening, hiding mysteries behind”
“Dusk visits earth every day
As if she has been assigned that duty
But she never inquires any time
If her friends, stars and moonlight –
Have reached there, when she moves on.
She just meet them on her way 😂😂”
“Nightfall’s shades appear bright & beautiful,
Only because of dark shades hidden behind.
What she needs is a break.
That’s why she waits for stars and moon to come
To dip her sorrows in night’s darkness
Without letting anyone know.
If night fails to come, she will be stuck forever”
“All beautiful things are short
Like this nightfall”
“Only a few hours needed to travel-
Shades are same, same space
But meanings are contradictory,
Just like two stars in opposite poles✨🌠”
“Dusk craves to cry in the arms of night –
To hide her tears in the darkness
To sleep in his lap silently.
But everything only in her dreams
Because they get separated the moment –
Hurting dusk with his hot rays
She also dies along with him every night.
He rises again next morning
Have a long journey to reach dusk
In the brief moments they share
To repeat same story again😐✨🌆”
“When we were born last time,
Perhaps I died before you
That’s why I took rebirth this time
Yet we had to wait long for another sunset
Now we shall reborn together once again –
Why do they fight every day
In the brief moments they share?”
“I want to stand alone in the beach, when
Dusk spreads vermilion everywhere in the sky
Birds flying towards sea horizon,
At least for one evening 💕💕🤗🤗 “
“After the evening prayer
Cloud has just come out of the temple with saffron.
She is now impatient to sleep in the lap of night.
She met her friend – The evening sky
To who she gave a tint of saffron to apply on forehead
But in haste, she spread it all over the path”
“Nightfall disappears in silence after giving beautiful hopes
Actually where is she going?
Perhaps she might have her side of story
Which may look unbelievable, but true 💕💕🤗🤗”
“Sun is looking at himself through red ocean mirror
And when dusk approaches him
Maybe assuring he is handsome 😉😂”
“They meet for a very few moments everyday
They never talk, never crack jokes
Yet an invisible bond binds them together
Moonlight, Stars and Dusk”
“Still in search of a nightfall
That can bring me ultimate darkness”
“Evenings are not lengthy as days or nights
They are always fleeting and beautiful
Like some momentary happy moments of life”
An umbrella exchange (Kudamattam)
When earth and stars turn percussionists
For the festival, witnessed at dusk
Like a lamp with thousand wicks 🪔🪔
#Nightfall #ThrissurPooram
“Nightfalls can fall asleep in the darkness of night everyday
Dusk can shed its petals in countless numbers
Yet a new dawn is born always
For the dusk born only for him💕✨💫”
“Sunrise and sunset,
Both known as twilight
Appear same
Under same stars, sun and moon.
With same shades and undertone
They stand at opposite poles
Giving different definitions to same name.
Their admirers are also different”
“Dusk now looks like a dream girl
Waiting for her beloved night.
Where saffron colours slowly start fading
Moon is spreading yellow blanket
Filled with star flowers.
Tall trees touching the skies
Are in wait for some event to happen💫✨💕”
Time to shift from sunsets to sunrises 💕🤗
But both are different✨😉”
“Nightfall is unique in her own ways
Has the tint of dawn and its shades
Owns the shades of day and night
“She, the dusk was aware,
& She had already started
Giving away her final shades.
To see moon under diminishing sun.
To light false hopes for a short while,
Why you came with moonlight?
She asked him in her dying moment”
“I am still the same dusk
But a few of my shades went missing overnight😐”
“Sunsets can be defined as a dead end or new beginning too. It depends upon you”
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Grea but please do not break the legs of Hindi. You can hire me as translator for God’s sake 🙂
Encourage me yaar to write in Hindi too…..
But I think U didn’t understand my Hindi hehe…
You can’t leave without correcting its grammar 🙂