PRP hair treatment for hair loss
Earlier if you meet any friend suffering hair loss problem, you used to recommend some doctor. Those days have gone. PRP treatment is the latest trend. What is PRP? Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections which involves injecting concentrated platelets into the scalp, which promotes hair growth. It’s a quick remedy to hair loss too.
Should PRP treatment be started with early signs of hair loss? Can it address any kind of hair loss? Can we regain lost hair through treatment? How much is PRP effective in restoring hair? Any side effects? There are so many doubts associated with this latest hair treatment. Through this column I shall address some of such column doubts associated with Platelet-rich plasma injections.
All hair losses are not the same
There are many types of hair loss. Deficiency of nutrients like Vitamin D, Iron, Vitamin B12, Protein, Biotin etc can lead to hair loss. Hormonal issues, thyroid problems, autoimmune diseases, different kinds of viral and fungal infections, poor gut health leading to dandruff, stress, bad life style and genetical are some of the common reasons for hair loss. If you are on a weight loss journey, it can also affect hair causing hair loss, as you are excluding some essential nutrients from your diet. So, it’s very important to identity the root cause behind your hair loss, before beginning treatment.
Androgenetic alopecia baldness where people, especially men start losing hair before they reach 40 is quite common nowadays, just like early signs of hair greying. Some time back, early signs of baldness start showing in the mid-40s, while nowadays even spotted before 30, making it difficult for bachelors to get a bride. Hair loss can affect your self-confidence, because it overall changes your appearance, and sometimes make you appear more than your real age. PRP can slow down the baldness process. In men, it’s 7-stage process which leads to baldness. Though baldness normally doesn’t affect women to that extend, hair can turn thinner, scalp becomes more visible and hair line bordering with forehead may turn wider.
PRP is also effective in those who suffered hair loss following viral infection. It’s also effective in hair loss post-delivery. But while feeding the baby, all medicines and lotions can’t be used. So, it’s not highly recommended in Postpartum Hair Loss, if she is a feeding mother.
How can we regain lost hair through treatment?
If you start treatment earlier, chances are high to regain lost hair much easy. As told earlier, baldness is a 7-stage process in men. In the first three stages, supplements, medicines and lotion to be applied on scalp are some of the common methods. Yet, many people don’t have a clear idea about how long to continue the medicines and lotions, and they discontinue it after some time. To get favourable and sustained results, you have to continue treatment for a long time.
When only hair loss reaches the fourth and fifth stage, minimally invasive treatment is done. PRP is a similar kind of treatment. Other treatment methods include Mesotherapy, GFC, PRF and Micro stem cell transplantation. Medicines and creams may be used along with the treatment. But when 6th or the final stage reaches, hair transplantation is the only method.
In the case of women, there are only three stages of hair loss. Medicines and hair creams in the first stage, minimal invasive treatment in stage two and hair transplantation in the final stage.
How is Platelet-rich plasma treatment done?
Platelets in plasma separated from blood has plenty of growth factors. So, if they are separated and injected, skin can turn young. It heals wounds and promotes hair growth. 10-20 milli blood is taken from body in a test tube and centrifuge is done. Plasma appears as the topmost layer. This plasma is extracted and taken in syringe to inject in hair roots. This is called PRP hair treatment. It improves blood circulation towards hair strands. Thus, it enhances the process of receiving more hair growth supplements at hair roots. Not only that, plasma has 2% stem cells. New hair strands are formed from stem cells. In short, this treatment acts like a manure to hair growth and also enhances thick hair, which comes as a positive factor.
No side effects and less cost for treatment
It is a non-surgical option for hair loss. As the same person’s blood is used for treatment, there is less risk and is cost effective too. Local anaesthetics and topical numbing creams are used to numb the area before platelet-rich plasma injections are carried out. At least 40 injections might be needed. Some people may feel slight pain. But it’s nothing to worry. A siting may need approximate 1.5 hours at the clinic.
It takes some time for the treatment to get desired results. 1 or 2 sitting may not give expected results. At least 4 sittings, one per month might be required. After that a booster dose is required. If you have thyroid issues or if suffering from mal nutrition or severe stress, a booster dose once in three months might be required. Otherwise a booster dose once in 6 months is sufficient. Comparing the medicines and lotions used for hair loss for prolonged time, PRP is cost effective.
Less caring is required post treatment. No need to wash hair on the same day of treatment. But situations of infections and high sweating should be avoided on the same day. Avoid gym, crowded places and steam bath for 24 hours. After that you can return to regular hair care routine.
PRP and skin beauty
PRP treatment focusses on rebuilding or regenerating cells using cells from the same person’s body itself. So, it’s used in skin care too. Face wrinkles and sunken eyes due to aging and stress can be removed and youthful skin can be restored through PRP treatment. Melasma due to pigmentation can also be treated using PRP and peeling combined. Micro Needling Radio Frequency (MNRF) can be used to effectively remove scars from face. Along with-it Platelet-rich plasma treatment can be done. A few sittings will give you desired results.
There are many more advanced treatments
Growth Factor Concentrate (GFC) treatment is the advanced form of PRP. GFC may be better for people who want faster results or have advanced hair loss. While the person’s blood is used in PRP, growth factors of good quality artificially synthesised may also be used. It has less pain comparing with PRP. Platelet rich fiber treatment (PRF) is another advanced treatment.
Micro stem cell transplantation (MST) is yet another advanced treatment. A tissue containing 10-12 hair strands from the back side of ear is taken, and the stem cells beneath the hair is separated. This is used as serum to inject in those portions of hair loss, and new hair strands will grow.
Read more articles about hair care.
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