Oats – Banana Caramel Pudding

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Ingredients for Oats – Banana Caramel Pudding:
1. Oats – 1 cup
Jnaalipoovan (Rasakadali) banana – 4 sliced
Eggs – 2
Sugar – 4 big spoons
Vanilla essence – 1 small spoon
2. Sugar – 4 big spoons
Water – 1 spoon
How to prepare Oats – Banana Caramel Pudding?
- Mix ingredients no: 1 and blend well using mixer.
- Take contents no: 2 in a thick bottomed pan and melt in low flame to prepare caramel.
- Pour oats mixture on the top of this caramel, and dip that container on the top of boiling water.
- Cook Oats – Banana Caramel Pudding for 20 minutes this way, also known as Double-boiling method.
- Once cooked, allow it to cool.
- Flip the contents from the container to a flat surface or plate and cut it into desired pieces.
- Your Oats – Banana Caramel Pudding is ready to serve.
Courtesy: Vanitha Magazine April 16-30 2017.
A few more pudding recipes for you. Here is the page link. Click on the images in the gallery to read:
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