Medicinal and health benefits of Iratti Madhuram (Liquorice)
Though Ayurveda is mostly associated with bitter medications, it also provides naturally sweet medicines for our health and wellness. There are many such plants belonging to Ayurveda and we are here to discuss on such medicinal plant and its benefits. In Malayalam known as Iratti Madhuram and in English as Liquorice, this flowering plant belonging to a bean family is known for its sweetness, health benefits and medicinal purposes. Its scientific name is Glycyrrhiza glabra. Through this column let us know about the uses of Iratti Madhuram and some unique medicinal preparations adding with other products.
Multiple health benefits along with sweetness
Digestion issues, eye diseases, nausea with vomiting feel, Pitta dosha etc are some of the common diseases for which Iratti Madhuram is used for treatment. It aids digestion, boosts immunity, reduces stress and fatigue and also helps in balancing hormones. For sore throat, to improve voice sweetness, beauty care, pain relief, antibiotics, depression, diabetes – its benefits are many. Iratti Madhuram is used as one of the main ingredients of Drakshadi Kashayam, Triphaladi choornam, Kumkumadi thailam etc.
During old times, Iratti Madhuram was kept in every household, which comes handy to treat some of the common diseases like sore throat, throat pain etc. It was usually kept as a small piece of root. If you chew a small part of the root and swallow its juice, it gives relief to throat related issues.
It reduces the effect of Pitta dosha and also helps in controlling body temperature. It also helps in reducing heat of the body and improves sperm count in men. It has anti-inflammatory properties, used as liver detox herb and can reduce hyper-pigmentation, dark spots, and uneven skin tone. It is a solution to several skin problems and can help to hydrate and moisturize the skin. It reduces the discomfort of stomach, digestion issues, acid reflux etc. Some factors present in Liquorice can reduce body swelling, asthma, obesity etc.
When you chew Iratti Madhuram for a while, it reduces throat pain and sore throat. To avoid problems connected to voice strains, especially the professionals like lecturers, singers and orators, use it regularly. Every morning you can take 1/4 small spoon of Iratti Madhuram Choornam, mix it with half small spoon of honey and take it.
Iratti Madhuram tea for throat related issues
You can make tea using Iratti Madhuram to get rid of sore throat and improve digestion. Put a little Iratti Madhuram in a cup of water along with a piece of ginger and boil it. It’s good for colds, coughs, or respiratory infections associated with phlegm congestion or mucus build-up in the respiratory system, usually in the throat or chest. If your throat is dry, then you can substitute ginger with a dry ginger for your tea. You can drink it thrice a week.
Some natural remedies from kitchen using Iratti Madhuram
Take half glass lukewarm water and add a quarter spoon of Iratti Madhuram Choornam and a pinch of turmeric powder. When you stomach is upset because of gastric issues, acid reflux or digestion problems, you can have this drink.
Mix a little Iratti Madhuram with Triphala choornam, honey and ghee and consume it on regular basis. It’s good for eye related diseases.
Add half spoon of Iratti Madhuram to 1 cup water and boil it. Keep boiling until the total quantity of water reduces to half, and put off the flame. Allow it to cool completely. You can rinse your mouth with this solution. It improves the health of gum and get rid of bad smell. You can also gargle your throat and mouth with this solution for throat pain.
Mix quarter spoon Iratti Madhuram Choornam with a little honey and serve at intervals while you are on a journey. It gives relief from motion sickness.
Mix a little Iratti Madhuram Choornam with Rasnathi Choornam. Add a little juice of both basil leaf and Mexican Mint leaves (Panikoorkka) and 2 drops of lemon juice. Heat them together & apply on forehead. It gives relief to headache related cold and similar discomforts.
Take one glass water, add quarter spoon Iratti Madhuram Choornam, 2 Mexican Mint leaves and one piece ginger. Boil the contents together until it reduces half to its quantity. This Kashayam is an effective remedy for cold. When you have cold or fever, you can make Chukku Kaapi (Dry ginger tea) adding a little Iratti Madhuram. It gives an instant relief.
Add a little Iratti Madhuram Choornam to rice starch and apply on scalp. Wash it off after half an hour using some natural shampoo or green gram powder. It helps to reduce hair loss, and also bumps and rashes on scalp.
Mix a little Iratti Madhuram with rose water and apply on face. When it starts to dry wash it off. It gives a solution to rashes and black marks on your face.
Need extra care while buying and using Iratti Madhuram
Root of Iratti Madhuram is very similar to that of Kunni plant (Rosary Pea or Indian Licorice). You may get cheated, because people often sell the root of Rosary Pea in the name of Iratti Madhuram. Buy the product from trusted sellers only.
You can’t take Iratti Madhuram in excess. Pregnant ladies, breastfeeding mothers and people whose potassium level is low in body should take it only minimum. Your physician may advise different doze to different people, based on their health and body condition. So kindly seek advice of your Ayurvedic doctor to avoid risk.
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