Airlift by helicopter is impossible in SSR case. Here are my logical reasons
There are many theories suggesting Sush was airlifted on June 14 soon after attack. There is a helipad on the way to Cooper – is the main reason pointed out. Also, one among the 4 pics released by Ambulance driver Akshay confuses people a lot. But I completely overrule d theory of Sush being airlifted on June 14, after he was badly injured. My logical reasons…..

1. Who declared his death in media at noon? Who airlifted him?
2. If he was airlifted, who made the plan to hide the secret within this short period, before ambulance reached Cooper?
3. Why the corpse was of unusual length?
4. Where are the officers present in the leaked video? We never saw them coming out in front of media.
5. Why there is shadow of cop’s leg in the leaked photo when it was taken at noon from upstairs?
6. Who brought fake Mittu in crime spot on June 14? How easily they arranged d dupe within a few hours? Interestingly she appears in the leaked video too (officers fully disappeared)
7. I already proved 2 night shoots were done after rehearsal. How can someone script it in short time and execute that night itself? After all it was not an easy plan to shoot two videos exactly the same in two angles. It was done for what purpose?
8. How they arranged artists in short time and did the shooting?
9. How can we simply ignore 100+ Co-incidences with Bala, & the pics uploaded by Akshay (which I decoded) connecting Kerala angle, unless it was a pre-planned shooting? Read in detail.
10. What about Rhea’s instagram’s post of missing the shooting?
11. Adding an important point. If he was saved, what about the person in cremation video? Already everyone have doubts. If it’s a silica body, is it possible to arrange within a few hours?
12. Same is the case of leaked pics also. Who leaked them? The culprits or the saviors? Total confusion with the morphed pics. If pics are released by saviors, were they present in the room? How easily they made the plan to leak it, wow!!!
13. They arranged body and conducted cremation the next day. Why didn’t they wait for 1 more day? How easily they got the ‘body’?
14. Before airlifting they informed family (as news was already out) including aged father, and later brought them to Mumbai, make them remember the script and made them actors in 1 day. Is it a believable story?
15. When 3 pics released by Akshay belong to Bala, how can the 4th one – the helicopter pic in the same list belong to Sush? Isn’t it strange?
16. Why available photos and videos are different? Why did they shot everything twice without a motive? Why separate cremation photo shot later?
17. Same costumes used by 1 of d ‘artists’ for shooting for 2 days. All artists used same costumes for day & night shoot, so that they can fool people by editing day & night videos together and make it one (It gave doubts of kidnap too, as stretcher cloth was different). Why such a drama?
18. Who planned this drama to circulate the edited version of day and night shoots? How is it possible unless pre-planned? It’s hard to believe, such a video was shot & given to media in 1 day, along with making another shoot in different angle and same foot steps and body mannerisms. Why we were fooled?
19. How is it possible to arrange a helicopter to airlift him in short interval of time? He doesn’t belong to government sector, then how is it possible, at a pandemic time when restrictions on flight services just lifted. Credits: Rashmi Bhardwaj. For me its totally illogical to think so.
20. While taking to ambulance, body was moving. Instead of taking to hospital immediately, he was airlifted to an unknown place. Whose plan was it? Marvelous!!!
21. Was everything arranged within a short time span including doctors at that secret place before they reached there? Was it easy to arrange doctors during lock down? (that too after murder attempt and plan to hijack within a short time span)
22. Suppose they found he was badly injured. News was out at 1 pm and ambulance left the place at 3 pm. Why so much delay? Why didn’t they take him immediately to hospital instead of executing a plan of airlift after 2 hours? In my logic, full shooting was going on in those 2 hrs
It’s totally illogical to think everything was scripted in a short time after he was airlifted & before reaching Cooper.Better they could have told truth, and government could have ensured his safety. If he was attacked that day, how can they insure his life is safe after comeback?
Let them cook a better plan for his comeback. If I don’t ask, somebody will ask. That’s why I am putting my points here. After all they fooled public and emotionally blackmailed a lot in the past 1 yr

Everything told above is not possible to execute in one day,unless pre-planned. If it’s pre-planned, there is no kidnap or escape theory. If you use a little brains, you can get your answers easily. It was shooting only – That would be my conclusion.
I shall keep adding more points if I get. Let me see if I can add more. Please give your inputs.
Disclaimer: I have prepared this post based on my research work and theories. I just put my facts and made a few theories, which are subjected to change once investigation completes. It’s my personal opinion only. It’s up to you to decide, to believe or not. Just try to connect the dots and reach your own conclusions please.
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