Red meat or white meat – Which one is good for health?

Meat food of any variant is abundant in proteins, vitamins and minerals. Still now researches are going on, about its edible uses, health benefits and hazards. One of the major studies is comparison of red meat with white meat, and their effects on human body. Terms like ‘red meat’ and ‘lean meat’ are quite common in health debates and magazines nowadays. What is the difference between these two, and how they affect our body and health?

What is red meat?

In simple words, if the raw meat is red in colour (before cooking) it is red meat. Presence of the protein myoglobin gives deep red colour to meat. Most of those meat variants are of mammals like cow, goat, pig etc, and are high in fat content, mostly saturated types. Zinc, iron, vitamin B-6, vitamin B-12, thymine, riboflavin etc are its main ingredients. They contain certain minerals to avoid paleness. Presence of saturated fats in high levels can risk your heart’s health, and it can increase the chances of stroke. Excess use of red meat can lead to colorectal cancer.

As per reports given by Australian heart foundation, allowed quantity of red meat for a healthy person is 455 gm per week. Some studies also suggest the deep links between red meat consumption and diabetics. As it takes more time to cook, it is often cooked in high temperature, thus increasing risk factors. High temperature leads to the formation of many harmful components while cooking, not good for health.

Heterocyclic amines (Has), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) are among those compounds, which can also cause cancer in animals. That’s the reason why scientists reach the conclusion that over consumption of red meat can lead to cancer. That’s the reason why it’s said that cooking food (not just meat) at high temperature is not advisable.

Lean meat or white meat is healthy

Lean meat is comparatively less in fat. Duck, chicken and turkey belong to this category. Some meat varieties such as pork, if fat content is completely removed, and also fish can also be included in this group. Fat is contained in mild quantities in lean meat, and hence can be taken in small quantities. Lean meat is a good source of Selenium, vitamin B-3 and B6 etc. Selenium can destroy free radicals of our cells, thus improving our health and defence.

Yet nowadays excess use of antibiotics and hormones in edible meat leads to many health issues including obesity. As pert 2019 June reports published by American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, both red meat and lean meat give equal chances for increased levels of cholesterol. A research was conducted on 113 persons on both genders of the age group 21-65, on which this conclusion was made. Protein content in vegetarian food is safer, comparing with meat dishes.

Needless to say, processed meat is extremely harmful, comparing with red meat and lean meat, and hence should be avoided. To improve taste and to preserve for long days, some chemicals and food processors are added. Though processed meat is easy to cook, your health is high at risk.

Which meat should we choose? Red meat or lean meat?

Both red meat and lean meat have health benefits and hazards. Most important is amount of consumption, and how you prepare it. If you use it accordingly, it can give you many health benefits. So non-vegetarians need not worry.

1. You can choose any meat, but remove the fat content completely.

2. When you purchase packed meat, check the nutrition label and choose those with less fat content.

3. Remove the skin of chicken and turkey before use.

4. Avoid processed meat products like hot dog, sausages, burger etc. Along with fat in high levels and artificial flavours, salt content is also high.

5. Avoid cooking meat in high temperature. Also avoid fried meat if possible. Meat grilled in tandoori ovens with outer skin changed to black should also be avoided.   

Image source: Pixabay


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A freelance writer and blogger by profession since October 2011, interested in writing over a wide range of topics. Hope you enjoy my writings. I belong to one of the beautiful places of the world, Kerala, nicknamed as 'God's own country'.

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