Medicinal Value of Papaya

Papaya is widely regarded as one of the healthy fruits with several medicinal benefits. One among the cheapest fruits, it’s good for glowing skin and hence associated with many beauty products too. The fruit is available around the year, and abundantly found in courtyards free from fertilizers and pesticides. So its benefits are manifold. 

Papaya can be used as a ripe fruit, and as raw it is used as a side dish. It is a good remedy to worms, which is quite common in children. Pepin and Chemo-pepin present in papaya help digestion. Calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, zinc and phosphorous are some of the elements present in papaya. So it suits all age groups. Regular use of papaya fruit can induce sexual desire. It can be seen as a beauty product too, and on regular use, it reduces PCOS in ladies. Beta carotene which helps in defense mechanism is also found in papaya. Through this column I would like to brief a few medicinal benefits of papaya.  

Remedy to worms in stomach – Mix papaya stain and seeds with a little honey and make black gram sized small tablets. It can be served to get rid of worm attack in the intestine. You can also make curry using papaya and give it to kids as a remedy to worms. For adults, take papaya stain, mix with a little sugar and serve. 

Remedy for pin worms at anus Apply stain of papaya on both the surfaces of pappadam (pappad), fry it and give to your child. It also helps to get rid of discomforts due to digestion issues.  

Raw papapa for piles and Hepatitis – Dry raw papaya and salt it. Serve it on a daily basis to reduce piles and Hepatitis. Take small roots of papaya and boil it adding water. Early morning drink half glass of this water regularly for a few days to reduce piles. 

Raw papaya for dysentery – If you suffer from frequent dysentery, eating raw papaya on a regular basis can bring positive results.

Papaya juice for menstrual hygiene – Crush papaya and make juice. During and after periods females can serve it for menstrual hygiene.

Papaya fruit for beauty – If you eat papaya fruit on a regular basis it improves your skin tone and thus improves your colour and beauty.

Papaya leaves for nerve pain – Heat papaya leaves by placing above flame, or dip leaves in hot water. Then apply its heat on affected areas. You can get quick relief from nerve pain.

Papaya fruit for PCOS – Serve 2 or 3 pieces of papaya fruit after your dinner. If you make it a habit, it gives relief to Polycystic ovary syndrome in ladies.

Papaya stain for Corn disease of foot Apply stain of papaya continuously for a few days in those affected areas of feet. Corns will automatically shed off.

Though papaya scores high in terms of nutrition factors, those purchased from market may not be fresh. It’s always a better choice to plant papaya plants at home. Plant papaya in a place exposed to good sunlight. Also water should not stay in its roots. So avoid planting them in pits. 

Image source: Pixabay

Disclaimer: This article has been prepared based on a magazine. Hence use it as a reference purpose, and seek an expert’s advice too.

Also read a few more topics on medicinal plants which care cure some of today’s life style diseases too, apart from common ailments. Click on the images in the gallery to read

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A freelance writer and blogger by profession since October 2011, interested in writing over a wide range of topics. Hope you enjoy my writings. I belong to one of the beautiful places of the world, Kerala, nicknamed as 'God's own country'.

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