Safety in kitchen – A few essentials to know

How many of you are aware of the safety in your kitchen? Dangers are hidden everywhere. Even your home and kitchen can’t assure you 100% safety. Are you aware of the fact that careless handling of gas stove can result in an explosion and even death? How many times have you burned your fingers due to careless mistakes? How many times have you seen blood in your hand due to ‘hasty circuses‘ with your sharp knife? If you give a little more attention to such things you can keep such dangers at distant from you for sure.

Kitchen is the most important part of the home and whole energy for the members is supplied from this powerhouse. So your hob can be addressed to be the ‘powerhouse of your family’. Keep it clean and tidy. Different tastes are born from your kitchen everyday – some old ones and a few new. If someone uses pressure cooker hastily in the morning to prepare a favourite dish for the breakfast it can’t be blamed. But never use pressure cooker or gas stove in such a way that it invites dangers.

While using gas stove

Gas cylinders explode due to LPG leakage and a house wife should be able to notice even minute leakage of gas. She should never neglect such bad smells. You need to check what the real problem is, from where the leakage occurred and what should be replaced. You should replace those defective parts as early as possible. It’s better to switch off the knob till it’s repaired.

Also never neglect even minute strange things while using your gas stove. Tubes, regulator, cylinder and stove knobs should be examined periodically to avoid such dangers. Replace those parts if its life span has expired. Clean burners once in a week and keep your gas stove clean. It gives safety as well as reduces power consumption.

While using mixer and other electric equipment

Never operate mixer using wet hands. It’s not a good practice to overload your mixer or grinder. Not only in the case of mixer, but also while using all equipment that run on electricity, assure that your hands are dry while operating. Never switch on, switch off or use plugs when your hands are wet. Also keep your floor dry to avoid electric shocks while operating electric equipment.

While using pressure cooker

Now kitchens are rare that never uses pressure cooker. It makes cooking fast and saves a lot of energy too. But careless handling of pressure cookers can invite a lot of dangers too. You should assure if temperature and pressure is correct while operating a pressure cooker. You should check if you have put on the weight correctly and if weight or rubber gasket has any damage. Never fill more than 2/3rd of a cooker and never try to open it till its temperature drops. Assure that you have added enough water to cook the ingredients well. You can read more pressure cooker tips here.

A few days back I have posted one similar article on 20 Safety kitchen tips to know. Click here to read.

Image source: Pixabay, Flipkart

Also read a few topics on safety in kitchen. Here is the page link. Click on the images in the gallery to read. 


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A freelance writer and blogger by profession since October 2011, interested in writing over a wide range of topics. Hope you enjoy my writings. I belong to one of the beautiful places of the world, Kerala, nicknamed as 'God's own country'.

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