Insure your home gadgets and enjoy the benefits

Now it’s the time for insurance – from our life to each and every object of our home. It seems everyone is worried of his future than before. That’s why he takes extra protection and precaution measures in the form of insurances. What does an insurance do? It protects your asset, even you and safe guard it from dangers. In case a loss or theft occurs, you will get the insurance money.

How can you tolerate if you see your new LED 45 inch Television damaged in an unexpected lighting? If your favourite DVD system has been stolen overnight who will pay for it?  After guarantee period if your microwave oven has stopped functioning, what to do? Now it’s possible to take insurance for vehicles and animals including cows and elephants; then why not for home gadgets? You can insure any electric-electronic equipment of your home and thus compensate the losses for its repairs and theft.

Insurance gives coverage to your home appliances in many ways. For example, it compensates the losses due to fire caused by short circuit, gas stove, kerosene stove or electric heater. It also compensates for damages caused due to external fire or thunder and lighting. Natural calamities like flood or earth quakes are few other instances in which one gets insurance for home appliances. If people attacks your home and damage equipment insurance give coverage to those things, for which you have insured.

Mechanical or electrical breakdown of your mixer, washing machine, electric motor, fridge, television, music system also will be compensated. When you insure your home as whole, certain companies give safety to house owner too. So, it’s possible to get insurance of a person, his home and home gadgets combined. Household insurance packages of many public banks of India like Oriental, United India and National provides many facilities to customers.

Image source: Pixabay

Read a few more articles on gadgets used at home. Here is the page link. Click on the images in the gallery to read


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A freelance writer and blogger by profession since October 2011, interested in writing over a wide range of topics. Hope you enjoy my writings. I belong to one of the beautiful places of the world, Kerala, nicknamed as 'God's own country'.

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