10+ Simple tips to preserve food items for long days naturally

Though refrigerator is used to preserve food items for long days without damage, it’s also possible to keep items without damage naturally. Through this column let me give you a few tips that I often use in my kitchen to preserve things, either using fridge or without.

1. While preparing fish curry if you avoid shallots and coriander powder it stays fresh for two to three days, even if not kept in refrigerator. If your fridge is in service centre, it’s better to prepare fish curry this way if you are a working lady.

2. While cooking red gram for Sambar, add a little fenugreek powder. Your sambar stays fresh for a long time.

3. Put a little fenugreek seeds in the container used for storing pappads to preserve them without damage.

4. Before storing pickles in glass containers, put containers in hot water for half an hour. Then remove the complete moisture using a clean cloth.

5. After washing green chillies, remove their stalk. Then remove its moisture completely and keep them in refrigerator in tightly packed container. Plastic container is the best. Your chillies will stay fresh for days. You can keep curry leaves and coriander leaves in the same way to keep them fresh for weeks. Remove the roots of coriander plants before placing them inside.

6. Spinach and similar leafy vegetables stay fresh in refrigerator if wrapped using newspaper sheets.

7. Place tapioca in plastic covers, wrap it well and put inside the refrigerator.

8. Lemon juice is best for keeping cut fruits fresh. Apply a little lemon juice on the remaining fruit to avoid its darkening.

9. Do you want to keep your coffee powder from clotting? Just keep it in your refrigerator’s side door. You need not open it fully, just put a few pores in the paper sheet to take coffee out.

10. Biscuits also stay fresh if kept in refrigerator’s side door. It tastes different too.

11. Do you have complaint that it’s difficult to take asafoetida once the outer cover is opened? Keep it in your refrigerator. It’s easy for you to use it the second time.

Image source: Pixabay

Read a few more interesting articles related to how to preserve vegetables, fruits, other food products and much more. Here is the page link. Click on the images in the gallery to read.

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A freelance writer and blogger by profession since October 2011, interested in writing over a wide range of topics. Hope you enjoy my writings. I belong to one of the beautiful places of the world, Kerala, nicknamed as 'God's own country'.

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