True colours of romance
Some of my favourite love quotes written years ago, but very close to my heart….

“Nothing have I gained, Nothing I fear to lose except you”
“Nothing to gain nothing I fear to lose except you.”
“When I made you a part of my heart
You broke my heart into parts…….”
“Is real love a state of static infatuation?”
“When you can’t express your love, it is highly intense as time grows”
“You touched my soul and walked away
Without saying a word
Or without giving any sign”
“My dreams don’t lie in your eyes
My words won’t reach your ears
My arms even stretched won’t touch you
Because I am dumb and you are blind”
“Nothing stops love than a conditional mind
Nothing translates love than an understanding soul”
“No one understands love other than a loving heart
No one hates love other than a betrayed heart – Only loved heart can hate”
“Love is never late in life
Late it comes, better it would be….
Best things always come last
But it lasts!!!”
“Love is just an absence of self love
When someone becomes better even than oneself”
“Want to bring a smile in your eyes”
“Love turns so intense at a point when
We start embracing its worst moments as well
Strange… But true”
“If you were willing to give at least a bit I truly deserved…
My little world that revolves around you
Would have changed a lot….
And little smiles would have blossomed around…
Like tiny little stars shining in heaven…”
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