Pressure cooking Target pressure and Work tension in private job sector

The work load of a private employee can be compared to instructing a small dragon fly to take heavy stones. Targets are fixed by companies and top officials and only thing an employee can do is to take that work load on his shoulders, whether heavy or light. I agree, companies offer good salaries, incentives and bonus for good performance. But if excess work load takes an employee to ‘a burn-out’ stage, what should we do?

My husband was into a private bank field a couple of years ago and many times I have seen him in high pressure and tension when his mind fills with huge work load and target of life insurance policies. How many sleepless nights have such pressures already given to him! Such targets always aim at huge money bags of the society, yet employees need to work like workers without any rest or relief, even on holidays, including Sundays to achieve those already fixed targets, only to please top officials and secure their jobs.

No time to spend for family

It’s not an easy task to manage target tension like normal daily life problems. The tension it gives is manifold bigger than the exam pressure of a school kid or a college boy. When he fails to manage the work tension, it affects his family life, happiness and relations as well. When a person is even not getting holidays to stay with his family, how can he spend his valuable time for his friends and relatives? Modern corporate world has made man a machine with emotions buried. Whom should we blame?

When my hubby returns home late, I have never quarreled with him or asked him reasons as I know well his work load and problems associated with it. It may be because I took a professional degree and I can understand what’s going on in his mind. But it’s not the case of normal Indian families. He needs to give replies to his family members as well as his relatives, our society is ‘tuned’ so. Such disturbances in family can disturb him a lot, giving him pressure and tensions double. It again adversely affects his job performance.

Target pressure is a big tension

Target pressure is a big tension. Then what about weekend reviews and monthly reviews? How much will a company gain from a weekly review, taking a full day from its employees? Who will reply to those long hours of effort and valuable time spent to prepare presentations for a single day review? Only thing I understood is reviews are the best occasions to scold the sub-ordinates and give them job treats!

Till now, I have not found a feasible solution for such professionals, either for my family or my friends. My friends often complain about their work load, particularly private IT firms of our country. Only thing I can do is to understand them well and provide them enough support, at least to hear their agonies. What else can I do? What about you?

To know how to manage work pressure and target tension: Click here. 

Image source: Pixabay

Also read a few more articles on work place, stress and different career roles. Click on the images in the gallery to read

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A freelance writer and blogger by profession since October 2011, interested in writing over a wide range of topics. Hope you enjoy my writings. I belong to one of the beautiful places of the world, Kerala, nicknamed as 'God's own country'.

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