Plaque on Teeth and Dental problems – Prevent them through natural ways

Plaque on Teeth – it can give rise to many dental issues, including tooth pain, gum problems, swelling etc. You can try these natural methods to block them. Have a look.

Using garlic and turmeric powder – Make a fine paste of 2 or 3 garlic. Add ½ big spoon turmeric powder and a little water to it and apply on your gum. After some time gargle your mouth using water. It can kill gems in your mouth. Take care to use garlic and turmeric without chemical ingredients.

Raw vegetables and fruits – It’s a healthy idea to eat raw vegetables and fresh fruits without cooking. They add extra health to teeth and gum.

Neem Leaves – If you can tolerate bitterness, you can boil a little neem leaves in water and use this water for gargling. It improves the health of gums.

Drink a lot of water – Drinking large quantities of water is good for health, and better for teeth too. It reduces the deposits of plaque in your teeth.

Sugar-free chewing gum – Chewing sugar-free chewing gum can also reduce plaque deposits in your mouth. While chewing, production of saliva is activated, hence reducing plaques.

Mustard oil – You can gargle once in a while with a little mustard oil. Mustard oil has the medicinal effect to kill germs.

Tulsi leaves – Clean your teeth twice a week using tulsi leaves. It cleans your teeth and gives sparking white.

Tulsi leaves and pepper Make a fine paste of pepper and tulsi leaves (take equal proportion). If you brush your teeth regularly with this tooth paste, it’s a quick remedy to small dental problems.

Salt for plaque pain – Gently massage your plaque using salt to get rid of plaque pain.

Ginger – To reduce tooth ache due to plaques, add a little salt to one piece of ginger and place on affected areas.

Mustard oil – Brush regularly using 1/4 small spoon salt and 5 drops of mustard oil to strengthen your teeth.

Camphor and dry ginger powder – Add a pinch of powdered camphor to 1/2 tsp dry ginger powder. Brush your teeth using this dental powder to get healthy teeth.

Image source: Pixabay

Read: Natural remedies for tooth ache

Also read a few more topics on dental care. Click on the images in the gallery to read

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A freelance writer and blogger by profession since October 2011, interested in writing over a wide range of topics. Hope you enjoy my writings. I belong to one of the beautiful places of the world, Kerala, nicknamed as 'God's own country'.

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