Nutmeg & Mace – Know their medicinal benefits

Nutmeg is one among the strongest Indian spices used to prepare wide range of dishes. Its strong odour improves the flavour of many Indian dishes like biryani, chicken, kadai dishes etc. Same is the case of mace too. Nutmeg and Mace own some medicinal values too. In fact both serve as quick remedy to many ailments in kids. Have a look.

For stomach pain – Serve nutmeg powder with banana to get relief from severe stomach ache and discomforts.

For crying infants – If your baby wakes up at midnights and cries without any reason, serve then a little mace mixed in honey. Just apply on his tongue and he will get quick relief.   

For stomach related and digestive problems – Make a fine paste of nutmeg and serve 1 gm thrice a day with honey or warm water. It’s good for gastric troubles, stomach pain, digestive problems etc.

For joint pain and head ache – Grind nutmeg adding breast milk or starch. Heat it and apply on forehead or affected areas to get relief from headache, joint pain, and pain & swellings due to oedema.

For water loss due to dysentery – One may lose excess water from body due to dysentery. Make a nutmeg kashayam and serve with tender coconut juice. It is a quick remedy to dry skin.

For cold in children – For running nose and cold in children, crush a little mace and boil in coconut oil. Use it as hair oil. You can make a fine paste of mustard oil and nutmeg powder and apply on your kid’s head somito.

For frigidity in females and low libido in men – If diabetic is the reason for sexual frigidity in both sexes, there is one remedy using nutmeg. Serve nutmeg powder mixed with gooseberry on a regular basis.

Image source: Pixabay

Also read a little more about Medicinal Plants. Click on the images in the gallery to read

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A freelance writer and blogger by profession since October 2011, interested in writing over a wide range of topics. Hope you enjoy my writings. I belong to one of the beautiful places of the world, Kerala, nicknamed as 'God's own country'.

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