Looks can also change your personality to some extent

Are you preparing for an interview? Then remember, though real talent plays a magnificent role in the selection, factors like looks and personality also matter. They help you to win impression in front of others, and also provide you with plenty of self-confidence. After all, First impression is the best impression, and good looks play an important part to win good marks.

Within in the 7 seconds of first sight, the other person easily notices our body language, smile, attire and self-confidence, and tries to judge our personality. So impressing someone, at least for a job remains our responsibility. 

Do makeup, but keep it minimal

You need not wear a designer suit. The colour which suits our skin tone and proper fittings – these factors are of top priority while choosing costumes for a particular occasion. If the dress is too tight, it may irk the other person. Loosened clothes may be judged as our carelessness, and both these extreme cases should be avoided. If you are well-dressed with correct fittings, it improves your self-confidence, and act as plus points for your meetings and interviews. Footwear should also match well with the costumes. Your hair should be tidy and nails should be cleaned properly. Avoid bad breath. Makeup is fine, but keep it simple.

Smile and body language

Our handshake with other person communicates a lot of things what we carry in our mind. It helps the other person to know the depth of our strength and self-confidence. Look into his eyes while talking, and it shows our confidence. It doesn’t imply we should stare at that person always. Through our eyes, we should succeed to convey the message that ‘I am interested in your talks’. When you smile or laugh, the happiness lights the whole atmosphere, and its positiveness is easily transferred to the other person. Sense of humour is seen as a good quality which can light many moments. But avoid creating artificial smiles and laughs, just to show off. You might be misunderstood to be a cunning person without virtue.

Give rest to your mobile phone for a while

Keep your phone in silent mode while you are in a serious conversation or meeting with the other person. Ringer tone in between the conversation may irk many, particularly if he is a valuable person for you. The other person may misinterpret that other things are of top priority to you, not he.

Keep discipline in time

Time is a very important factor, and if you are late, it can create a bad impression in the other person’s mind. If you are not punctual, you might be branded as a person without discipline. Be punctual, and wrap up the meeting within the stipulated time.

Be a good listener

Carefully listen to other person’s words and opinions. Then only it makes up a good conversation. It shows our respect. Wait for the moments when you are allowed to talk. If you are not aware of a particular matter, never nod your head or give false opinions from your imaginations.

Your behaviour

You should greet the other person formally. You can seek pardon or say thank you if situation demands. Behave properly with elderly people and women. Never make other person bored with your talks. Hook him in some interesting thoughts and conversations.

Never feel stressed

And last, but not the least – Relaxation. If you are deeply stressed, none of the above points can help you at time of need. Self-confidence should reflect in your talks and body language.

Give attractive replies

When you meet a stranger or new person for first time, our mind is troubled with a few questions. What’s going on? How is life going on? Such questions are quite common. You can give some energetic, but interesting replies if asked such questions over a meeting. Always remember, catchy talks can attract the other person easily, and it helps you to earn a good impression too. But never forget, extra conversations and over talks can ruin the whole situation.

Image source: Pixabay  

Also read a few more articles on Personality Development. Click on the images in the gallery to read

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A freelance writer and blogger by profession since October 2011, interested in writing over a wide range of topics. Hope you enjoy my writings. I belong to one of the beautiful places of the world, Kerala, nicknamed as 'God's own country'.

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