Why can’t women do business?

A myth exists in the male dominated society like India; a woman can’t succeed alone if she does business. Is it true? Just open your eyes and look around. How many small firms are working where woman handles everything alone? Pickle making, crafts and coir, embroidery, sari work, catering services, what else is spared where a woman can’t give a signature of her own!

Woman is not just a house wife now

Earlier job assigned to women were to take care of family and kids, cook food, clean house etc. But now in marriage market, preference is for working women who earns at least a small amount; now everyone knows both need to work if a family has to run without difficulties. Women need to take care of kids. But if she is able to associate herself with some activity that brings her pleasure and income to the family, their future will become more secure. Also she will get more respect, it gives her self-respect too.

In many cases she is not able to move out of home town due to the responsibilities towards her family. For instance, when kids reach home after school, she need to receive them. If so why can’t she start something at home itself?

Laziness often drives her back

Though many ladies have enough potential to run a firm their laziness is the main hindrance. In most cases she is well educated still prefers to stay at home looking after kids. Loneliness makes her lazier and she spends those hours before tele-serials which give her nothing.

Now it’s the time for a second thought

A husband respects his wife only if he feels she is talented. So why can’t you start something new that earns you both – respect and money and of course, a lot of happiness. It’s true it needs a little time to set and get adjusted to the new situation. But what’s the pleasure in life without any experiments or freshness! Isn’t it a wise decision to turn your idle life to a colourful one?

Start something at home

Catering business, pickles, sweets and snacks preparation, mural painting, embroidery, sari painting, kundan work, online earning, tele-calling – options are many. In most cases it’s not necessary that you should be educated to earn money. Wise brain with healthy thoughts, innovative & fresh ideas and willingness to become successful – the three most essential factors; they are enough to start something new. Also a positive and patient mind to overcome all obstacles that jealous people and society can impose on you. If so it’s not a big task to dream of a day that you start earning and give jobs to a lot of people.


So let me conclude. It is true business also has risk. We can’t even predict what happens to us the next moment. Then why can’t we face such challenges to bring out the potential hidden inside us. So start something that you feel interested and observe market pulse and through best marketing strategies you can conquer everything and say yourself, “Yes, women can also earn through business”. If you have put courage to do something, you might be interested to read different methods to earn at home. Click the link to follow.

Image source: Pixabay

Read a few more articles on social life of women . Click on the images in the gallery to read

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A freelance writer and blogger by profession since October 2011, interested in writing over a wide range of topics. Hope you enjoy my writings. I belong to one of the beautiful places of the world, Kerala, nicknamed as 'God's own country'.

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