Quality time – The timeless moments to treasure

Do you know what quality time is? Any clue? Is it the time wisely used for some activity? Or is it the moments used for earning wisely? Or is it the time which got quality output for our hard work? All these assumptions don’t give the right answer. Yet, it is true quality time gives best output for our hard work. What is it? Now let me break the suspense. It’s the time that a person exclusively spares for his/her spouse, family or his dear ones. But in most cases, time spared exclusively for spouse or lover is termed so. So, it’s sure it gives the wonderful magic key that opens towards the wonderland of love filled with happiness and peace. Also read: 5 Basic expressions of love.

How much time do you give your spouse?

I am not asking the total time that you spend with your family watching television along with your children or going out for a shopping or cinema. It’s the time that you give exclusively for your wife/husband far away from everyone, the time when you share your love and feelings for each other and take in return what you give.

You may be a lovely husband who reaches home before 8 pm and spends a lot of time playing with your children and have a lovely dinner with all your family members. But if you forget to give at least a few private moments for your wife will she feel happy? Not at all! After a long day, she needs a shoulder and listening mind that hears the worries that are deeply hidden inside her soul; spouse who understands the language of her heart. She won’t reveal her feelings to everyone. She will do so only to the most special person of her life – her husband and it’s done in those hours – the quality time, the time wholly given for each other.

So, it’s not at all significant that you spend a lot of hours with your spouse. It’s more important that you two both enjoy being in the other’s company and convert those moments to timeless ones to treasure forever.

How to spend your quality time?

Couples can go for a walk or a shuttle play during quality time. But it’s to be noted that real purpose of that time is not doing an exercise, but enjoying each other’s company by doing some activity. So preference is for being together than the activity chosen.

You find that quality time is missing in your life when…..

When can you find that quality time is missing in your life? If your spouse has repeatedly started complaining that ‘you are not talking to me nowadays’, it’s sure he/she has lost quality hours in the life. Wife or husband is that precious person of one’s life and if a person can’t treasure or enjoy those moments spend along with that lovely person it’s to be assumed that the relationship has already started drifting.

So, even if you may be busy with your office work or any other tension, just tell your spouse that you are in a bit hurries now and that you shall hear every word of him/her as soon as you return in the evening. An understanding spouse will surely wait for that moment in the evening! It’s the secret mantra of a successful and satisfied marriage life of course.

Image source: Pixabay

Also read a few more articles on love and friendship, and how to keep relations green. Click on the images in the gallery to read

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A freelance writer and blogger by profession since October 2011, interested in writing over a wide range of topics. Hope you enjoy my writings. I belong to one of the beautiful places of the world, Kerala, nicknamed as 'God's own country'.

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