Quality time for kids – 10 Simple tricks

Most recently I have posted a column on ‘Quality time for couples’. It’s the time totally dedicated for someone we love. Through this column, let me give you a few parenting tips to make ‘those moments with kids’ so special and enjoyable. And also a few tips, how you can find time for kids even if you are too busy with your official work. Never take too much burden on your heads. Instead spare a little time to hear your kid’s words too.

Every parent wants to be with his/her kids, to tell them stories, to play with them, to clear his silly doubts and teach him a lot of moral lessons. But time prevents them from doing all these things. Yet feel happy when they see their kids in the world of cartoons or games. So, every parent wants to keep his/her kid ‘engaged’ in some activity while he/she is busy with other works. It’s not at all a good procedure. Childhood seizes soon. So it’s the duty of parents to give him the best that he actually deserves. As you people are searching for time, so are kids too. Provide them what ‘his time’ wants. Let me provide a few simple techniques for those ‘busy parents’ – 10 points.

Kitchen time

During holidays and evenings, when mother is busy in kitchen she can ask her kids to assist her in kitchen. By this way you get a lot of time to mingle with them as well as teach them a lot of lessons. You can teach them new things about vegetables, fruits and kitchen accessories. You can show him how to make tea, coffee, bull’s eye etc and can ask their simple helps too. By this way he learns hidden dangers of knives, hob and electrical appliances too. It’s better to grow them as kids who know about kitchen and a little about its preparation than just ordering in front of the dining table.

Bed time

Never show haste to make them sleep. Though kids love computer games and cartoons, they have not lost the interest of hearing stories. Bed time is the best to tell them fairy tales, moral lessons and adventurous stories. Ask them questions repeatedly to keep them engaged and teach those stories well. You can ask him to imagine what happens next, thus giving wings to his imaginations.

Travel time

The time you take him to school – why can’t you use it in a better way! You can ask him to observe things around and read boards. Also clear his doubts. You can give him games that he can play inside the car while you are driving.

Bath time

Make it a little earlier – to make him ready to send to school. You can play with him for a little while, while you are bathing him and dressing him. When you keep him engaged in some play, he enjoys those moments to get ready to school. Bring small toys like toy boats to his bath tub. You can be put in water while bathing him. Also teach him the primary lessons of body parts and body hygiene. So, this time can be considered as ‘Hygiene coaching time’.

Meals time

Dining hall is the best place where every member gets maximum time to mingle with his family. If you plan to have meals together, it gives a lot of things in return. Though it’s not possible to have 3 meals a day together you can make your supper, a family get-together. So, it’s the best time that can be used to build healthy relationship with your kid. During supper you can ask him about lessons studied and interesting incidents at school and school bus. Ask about his friends, teachers, birthday gift given to his friend etc. Never use this time to ask only about his studies, marks and project work. Also, this time you can take the role of a family doctor teaching him the importance of good food, health and good eating habits.

Shopping time

Most parents think of methods to avoid kids while shopping. But it’s the best time that kids learn about practical things. Also he gets an opportunity to observe society, world and people around. You can take them while you go out for a shopping and teach him money management methods. What are those things needed for a home, its price, uses, quantity, how to give money and buy balance, choosing the best things, expiry date of the product – kids get an easy method to get practical knowledge about those things and such piece of information stays in his mind forever. Also allow him to choose a few things and ask him to pay money. He learns the primary lessons to mingle with the society. It helps to leave his shy nature too.

Picnic time

You may be a busy person, but never avoid small trips to a holiday spot. Small trips and travels keep us away from boring days and moments. It’s better to avoid laptops and mobiles during these journeys. Choose silent and calm places to relax your mind, beaches, parks, hill stations, gardens etc. Teach them to enjoy nature and its blessings during these visits. Take a camera if you can and place a few photographs of those occasions in your living room. You can gift them as albums too.

Hobby time

You can ask them to participate in your hobbies and take part with interest, in their leisure time activities too. When you listen to music, ask him to enjoy its tunes and singer’s voice. When he draws a picture, you can add your shades too. You can sit beside him and appreciate his efforts saying, “Good boy, “Nice” etc. Watching a movie, cricket match or cartoon together or doing exercises or any recreation project together increase the bond between parents and kids. If he learns exercise or yoga at an early age, he won’t feel lazy in exercises later. Also you can give him fitness lessons.

Library time

When you go to library, you can take your kid too. If possible, take his membership and allow him to choose a few books for him. Gradually he starts loving books and develops a habit of reading. It’s better to keep them engaged in books rather than full time in front of computers.

Prayer time

It’s better to have a prayer time when all family members gather together (if you are not an atheist). Make a habit in your child to pray every day. Teach him small prayers. Ask him to close his eyes at least 5 minutes a day, as primary lessons of prayers and concentration. You can tell him stories related to mythology and importance of prayers in life. You can go for pilgrimage often to see your kid growing in the belief of god. Clear his doubts as well, in simple language. 

So, we come to an end of those 10 points, the time that can be wisely used to give more moments to add kids’ happiness.  

A few parenting tips to give time to kids effectively

1. When you talk to kids, they should feel your presence emotionally. Just sitting near him nodding to his talks doesn’t mean you are giving him the best. Carefully understand what he talks.

2. Never forget to appreciate him even for simple activities and his talents. Their talents only grow with your appreciation. It develops self confidence in his mind from his early childhood.

3. Once in a month, go for a picnic or pilgrimage. Leave all those burdens of your job and be with him with your heart.

4. ‘Chill out together’ – going outside and having a lunch or dinner together once in a week. Let them choose the restaurants and menu.

5. Make him acquaint of heroes who stay in your society. Instead of showing heroes and role models from newspapers, television and magazines, it’s better to show him people whom he see daily. People who help poor, student who does part time job along with studies and a kid who saves a child – you can show such people to him as heroes or role models instead of movie and cartoon characters. 

6. Discipline, politeness, loyalty, honesty, union, self-respect, kindness, hard work – cultivate these good qualities in your kid from early age itself.

7. Once in a year you can take him to an orphanage or old age home and give them help. Let your kid learn good lessons seeing your activities.

8. More than your words and gifts, kids love your presence. Your kid should feel secure when you are with him. For that, only a few simple notes are necessary. A simple touch or patting when he is busy with his drawings, calling him name once in a while when you are busy with your work or a few kisses give him the secure feeling always.

Through this column I emphasized the need to give quality time to kids during their development stage. Now it’s a parent’s duty to make these points applicable in your day-to-day life. Make it a habit though you are a busy person. Your kid will be benefited most for sure. 

Image source: Pixabay

Also read a few more articles on parenting. Click on the images in the gallery to read

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A freelance writer and blogger by profession since October 2011, interested in writing over a wide range of topics. Hope you enjoy my writings. I belong to one of the beautiful places of the world, Kerala, nicknamed as 'God's own country'.

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