Orange – For good skin colour, health and beauty

A few days back, I have posted an article on the significance of orange colour, and here is the link. Orange is one of the rarest fruits known by its colour’s name and it’s very beautiful too. A medium sized orange (approximate 154 gm) can provide you 80 calories energy, 0 gm fat, 250 mg potassium, 19 gram carbohydrate (14 gm sugar and 3 gm fiber)and 1 gm protein. An orange a day provides you 130% of Vitamin C needed for our daily activities., 6% calcium and 2% vitamin A essentials. Do you know orange fruit has many more beauty and health benefits? And here I list a few.

Health Benefits of Orange in a Snapshot

1. If you eat an orange everyday along with its seeds, it keeps blood pressure under control. Orange contains potassium in abundance, enough to reduce blood pressure and hyper tension.

2. Orange is good to increase appetite and also purify blood.

3. During gestation period, if the mother eats orange regularly, her baby will get good colour. Folic acid present in orange also helps the brain development of fetus, apart from other body parts.

4. Orange juice is excellent to increase immunity in children. Take equal quantities of orange juice, water and milk (both boiled and cooled), add a little honey to make a solution and give it to them.

5. It improves defense mechanism of both adults and kids. Vitamin C present in orange improves the production of WBC; that’s why.

6. The antioxidant, Beta Carotene known for giving orange colour to this fruit is very good for eye health. 

7. Orange is rich in fibers, and hence improves the health of our stomach and intestine. Fiber rich food reduces ulcers and gives solution to constipation problems also. The fiber called Nareenin 

8. Orange also helps in weight loss. 1 cup orange juice contains 85 calories only, and it’s a nutritious food too. It also contains 4.3 gm fiber. On regular use, it improves the movement of intestine resulting in loss of weight.

9. Orange contains calcium, which is good for teeth and bones.

10. Orange is a good remedy to scurf and freckle. Rub the affected areas regularly with orange skin one or two hours before bath. If you continue this process for a few days, those marks will gradually disappear.

Beauty Tips with Orange

1. Mix together orange juice, gooseberry juice and a little honey and apply on your face once in every week. Your skin colour improves.

2. Heat 1 glass water and add 1 spoon orange skin. Allow the solution to cool. After 15 minutes, remove the orange skin and drink the water, adding a little honey to dissolve the excess fat of your body. Drink this juice at least 5 days a week to get good results.

3. Rub your teeth for 3 minutes with orange skin, and wash it off to make your teeth sparkle.

4. Apply orange juice on your face and wait for 15 minutes. Wash if off to remove dry skin of your face. Your face will glow.

5. To remove paleness of face, apply a paste of curd, orange skin and turmeric powder and wash it off after 15 minutes.

6. As soon as you peel of orange skin, apply a little rose water to it and apply on face. It’s a good remedy to pimples and improves skin texture and beauty.  

7. You can use orange juice as hair conditioner. Take equal amount of orange juice and water, and add a spoon honey to it. Mix it well. Your hair conditioner is ready. After shampoo wash, apply this conditioner to your hair and wait for 10 minutes before you wash it off.

8. Orange skin contains more amount of Vitamin C than banana. So never throw them away. Instead dry it well under sun, powder it and store in tight containers. Your orange peel powder is ready. You can use this powder as scrubber when you bath.

9. Add a little milk to orange peel powder (method told above) and apply to your face. Wash it off once this pack dries. It can give an instant glow to your face, and reduces the colour of black marks of your face also.

10. Make a thick paste of orange peel powder and curd. Apply on your face and massage it gently in circular motions for 15 minutes. Wash it off with warm water. It’s an easy and painless method to remove black marks of your face.

In short, orange is a healthy fruit with beauty benefits too. You can make use of orange as whole, including its skin and seed. Yet there are a few important things to keep note for. If your kidneys are not fully functional, potassium is harmful. So such patients and those who taking beta block should seek the advice of physician to know if he can include orange in his diet.

Image source: Pixabay

Read a few more articles on natural products for beauty. Here is the page link. Click on the images in the gallery to read

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A freelance writer and blogger by profession since October 2011, interested in writing over a wide range of topics. Hope you enjoy my writings. I belong to one of the beautiful places of the world, Kerala, nicknamed as 'God's own country'.

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