Do you have Ringxiety?

Kabhi Kabhi Mere Dil Mein Khayaal Aatha Hai”, she was placing a cake in oven to bake while she heard this song. So busy and doing things in kitchen as if working with four hands. Yet she thought for a while, “Should I go or not?” She couldn’t stop herself for long and placed the cake to be baked in the kitchen counter. She reached her phone within seconds that was lying on the sofa of living room. It’s quiet. ‘Then from where did I hear this song?’ she thought for a while and returned back to kitchen.

Have you ever experienced such a situation?

Have you ever experienced such an incident? I am sure, most of the readers will nod their heads saying ‘Yes, I often experience and feel like laughing too’. You may feel like your mobile ringing in your bag or next room, while you are engaged in some another job. It may happen once in a while. But if it happens frequently you should not neglect it as it may be the mental disorder termed as ‘Ringxiety’ or ‘Phantom rings’ in medical terms. It’s not at all a serious issue. But stress hormones may increase while someone experiences such a situation. In some cases, the person may feel that his mobile is ringing while someone else mobile gives a song as ring tone.

Ringxiety is not a serious issue at all

Though it’s not at all serious issue it’s better to use distinct and rare ring tones if you have this disorder. Nowadays hit numbers are used as ring tones and when we go to a public place, a lot of people may be sharing the same ring tone creating confusions. It also happens, you open your bag to attend a call when you find someone else is also searching his mobile or attending a call and ring has seized. So, distinct and rare tone is the best solution. Also select ascending mode. Yet if you face the same problem repeatedly you can seek a doctor’s help.

Mere Rashke Qamar” – it’s the most common ring tone nowadays as it’s already a chartbuster. As I like this song very much, I have selected this song as my mobile ring tone. Very often I feel that my mobile is ringing. Sometimes, it’s my daughter’s job while she is operating my mobile, to hear her favourites from my cell phone. This particular song is her hot favourite too, though she is studying at school. I have noticed it several times since her nursery school days, whenever I used to choose a chartbuster song of her favourite as my ringtone.

Similarly sometimes I feel like my mobile is ringing and I have listened to find the source so carefully; but later understood that it’s just my thought. Is it because I expect someone’s call impatiently, and has not received that call yet? Or will it happen as it’s my favourite tune? Let me think for a while and decode it. You people can also ask the same question to your mind, “Do I have ringxiety?” and tangle your mind in similar thoughts like me.

Image source: Pixabay

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A freelance writer and blogger by profession since October 2011, interested in writing over a wide range of topics. Hope you enjoy my writings. I belong to one of the beautiful places of the world, Kerala, nicknamed as 'God's own country'.

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