10+ Tips to manage target pressure and job tensions

Target tension! Work pressure! Nowadays we hear these two terms a lot. Now the whole world is filled with millions of professions and private organizations, and they hire more professionals luring them with big salaries and perks. Obviously in the aim to earn high profits and big figures, organizations strictly impose huge targets on its employees. Competition is that much huge and only big giants survive in the market. Result is job treat, work pressure and target tension. Also read: Target pressure and job tensions at work places.

It’s not possible for an employee to run away from his responsibilities and duties. But if he faces those problems with a calm mind, he can manage them easily. My hubby has been a private bank employee earlier and through his dealings, I am able to find a few things. Pressure and tensions have nothing to give you, I know it well. So let me share 10 tips with you to get rid of target tension.

1. When a company offers you a high salary, you should pre-assume that company expects high performance from you also. Never begin your career without fully knowing your responsibilities.

2. Just think for a minute – if you work without any targets, can it improve you or your career in some way? Never! When we have a pre-determined destination with handful ways to reach it why should we move back? Take it positive and attain self-confidence and determination to reach that goal. Always remember that if you reach your targets it will positively affect your career too.

3. Relax a little. Do a little exercise and if possible, practise yoga. It will relieve your pressure and tensions and will surely give you a lot of positive energy to move forward. Continuous work without any break will only de-motivate you.

4. Find pleasure in your work instead of pressure. When we do something with happiness in mind, it will surely reach the doorstep of success. You can arrange a family tour or shopping to relax your mind.

5. Control your expenses and take fewer credits. Employees in high pressure jobs should take fewer loans. Otherwise your debts will pressurize you more.

6. Certain adjustments are needed from family and life partner also. It’s a better idea to tell your life partner about the characteristics of your job and pressures it gives. Better understandings always take relations a step further.

7. Never postpone your job, particularly those tasks that you have no interest to deal with. Proper planning and implementation is also needed. For that you should maintain discipline in your job.

8. A work chart in your dairy can help you a lot, and if possible make a small note on your daily tasks every day before you start work in the morning.

9. Keep yourself away from drinking and smoking habits. Both can adversely affect your job and performance. Both give rise to pressure in family atmosphere creating new problems and disturbances as well.

10. Anxiety to reach your goal is a positive thing. But the fear and thoughts in mind for your failure or fall of targets, give you negative energy only. When you are moving forward with a decision, never think about its negative effects or failures. It gives rise to negative anxiety pulling you down.

11. It’s always a nice decision to find two paths or alternatives for a task. In case you fail with the first attempt you can experiment with second alternative. If you fear, fear will drag you down. So, face everything with courage so that you can touch those targets with your fingertips. Self-confidence is always good, but never be over-confident.

Image source: Pixabay

Also read: A few tips to relax yourself in a few minutes.

Also read a few more articles on work place, stress and different career roles. Click on the images in the gallery to read

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A freelance writer and blogger by profession since October 2011, interested in writing over a wide range of topics. Hope you enjoy my writings. I belong to one of the beautiful places of the world, Kerala, nicknamed as 'God's own country'.

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