10+ Simple exam tips for kids to get high marks

Now first session of exam season is just to start and all kids have already started preparing a lot for the final exams. No need to feel nervous if you are systematic in your learning. Let me give you a few success mantras to score high marks in your final exams.

1. Try to complete all lessons at least one week before your final exams. The last one week should be given for revising already learnt portions. Now prepare a timetable and use that one week wisely to cover all learnt portions.

2. Implement your timetable in your studies allotting time for different subjects. Try to complete revision within that allotted time. If not, keep that portion aside for another day.

3. Never allot more than 45 minutes for a single subject in one stretch. Also try to complete revision within that time itself.

4. Make thorough learning of each important point while learning and clear all your doubts. Once completed, close the book and try to memorize every learnt lesson.

5. Mathematical problems should never be learnt by-heart. Though they appear easier, you may forget in exam hall. Also it may take more time to do mathematical calculation in the exam hall too. Use a pen and paper to do mathematical studies. 

6. Make a small chart of all mathematical formulae and revise it every day. You won’t forget it easily.

7. While going through lessons you may find difficult to understand meaning of some tough words. It’s better to write meaning as a small note above that particular word.

8. Certain technical terms and names used in science subjects are not easy to memorize. If you write them down and learn, the task becomes easy for you.

9. Give full stress to concentration during studies. For that choose a silent place away from noise and all means of disturbance. Also, learn with your heart. You will surely find studies easy.

10. If you feel bored, stressed and loss of concentration, take a 5 minute break, have a small walk, take a deep breath and come back.

11. If learnt portions are not reviewed within two days, you may forget more than half of those learnt portions. So, it’s better to revise previous day’s portions once before starting new lessons. You need to spare just 15 minutes for that.

Image source: Pixabay 

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A freelance writer and blogger by profession since October 2011, interested in writing over a wide range of topics. Hope you enjoy my writings. I belong to one of the beautiful places of the world, Kerala, nicknamed as 'God's own country'.

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