Let’s learn to eat as age walks with us slowly towards destination

It’s a human habit to repeat the same habits since human birth till end age. It’s followed in food habits also. After middle ages human metabolism slowly decreases and hence calories needed for human body is also decreased significantly. So it’s our duty to intake food which our body actually demands to avoid storage of excess calories in the form of fat which results in several disorders. Through this column, I would like to mention a few points in few words, to tell you ‘How to eat as per age?’

Energetic 20s – Human life is most energetic and healthy in the 20s. Youngsters try to avoid breakfast and depend on fast food during this age. Energy level is at its peak in the 20s and needs that much calories as well. Approximate 2400 calories are needed daily. Protein rich and less fat dishes are best suited for this age. Kerala’s traditional breakfast items such as Idli-Sambar, Steam cake-green gram & Idiyappam- green peas curry are best instances of such dishes.

For the healthy functioning of muscles and heart, potassium is needed, and it’s sufficient in vegetables. Big Banana (Kerala’s ethapazham), vegetables and salads should be included in diet regularly. Also include sea food such as mackerel, sardine and small types of fishes which have omega-3 fatty acids. Just before pregnancy, gestation period and feeding time, folic acid is needed. Vegetables with dark green in colour and fruits like orange are abundant in folic acid.

Less health conscious 30s – It’s an age when you grow up as a parent, and dedicate your full time for the family and children. When you are conscious of your kid’s health, you forget about your health, and often less aware of after effects caused by bad food habits. Unhealthy food is consumed in the 30s.

For healthy gestation period and delivery, foliates are most needed which are abundantly found in chick peas, leafy vegetables and orange. Antioxidants are best to improve your defense mechanism and to prevent heart diseases and cancer. Multi-colour vegetables, green chocolate and green tea supply antioxidants in plenty. To avoid tiredness of body, iron supplements are needed, and iron is best found in red meat, green spinach, green beans, broccoli, sesame seeds, dates etc. From 30s, start reducing salt from your daily diet.

Fatty 40s – As lesser calories are spend by body for metabolic activities, body weight starts increasing. So it’s a better idea to reduce total amount of food consumed when you reach 40s. For ladies, it’s a time for several body changes including menopause in their mid-40s. They need food rich in calcium content. Milk and milk products, soya, vegetables and beans are best suppliers of calcium. They also help to defense diseases such as breast cancer and colon cancer.

Food should be fiber rich, and a mixture of different types of fibers. Certain fruits are rich in fibers which dissolve easily in water. Vegetables, oats, barley, methi, grains with fibers insoluble in water etc are other variants of fibers, and a person at the age of 40+ should include all these fibers in his diet.

50s with great changes – Great importance should be given to body at this age. Good food and great changes in life habits are to done at this stage. Soya beans, soya milk and other variants of soya help to improve hormone balance. To increase immunity of body cells, grains with zinc, cashews etc can be included. Avoid fried snacks and bakery sweets maximum, and also reduce the intake of unsaturated fats, and salt as well. Intake food items with anti-oxidants and they are found in plenty in multi-coloured fruits and vegetables.   

Image source: Pixabay

Also read a few more articles on healthy food habits everyone need to follow. Click on the images in the gallery to read

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A freelance writer and blogger by profession since October 2011, interested in writing over a wide range of topics. Hope you enjoy my writings. I belong to one of the beautiful places of the world, Kerala, nicknamed as 'God's own country'.

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