Know more about the medicinal benefits of ghee

Ghee is an integral part of Indian cuisine for many centuries, and is deeply bonded with Indian culture too. Though dishes made using ghee are extremely tasteful, excess use of ghee in food can harm your health also. Do you know in traditional Ayurveda, ghee has been used as an ingredient for many medicines and treatments? Studies suggest that if ghee is used effectively, it can be included in cancer resistive edible items too.

Ghee is excellent for brain growth of children

It can be used for many health and beauty benefits too. If you use ghee regularly in food, it improves skin tone and glow thus adding beauty. Experts say, those who have lactose intolerance can also use ghee.

There are many reasons why ghee can be made a staple item for preparation of food, though in mild quantities. Ghee is good for brain growth for growing children. So it should be included in kids’ diet. If you are able to use homemade pure ghee, benefits are manifold. It’s good for eye’s health too.

A few Ayurvedic instant remedies with ghee as an ingredient

1. Homemade medicine for sore throat and mild fever Boil 30 millilitres of water. Add ½ tsp pure turmeric powder and 1 spoon of pure ghee. It’s good for sore throat and mild fever.

2. To reduce blood sugar level Boil 60 millilitres of water. Add a pinch of ghee, cinnamon powder and turmeric powder. Drink this water in empty stomach in early morning and after supper. It helps to reduce sugar level in blood.

3. Quick remedy for dry lips – Apply a little ghee on your lips twice a day. Continue this process frequently. It is a good remedy to dry lips.

4. Ghee as cancer resistive medicine – Heat a spoon of pure ghee in low flame. Add a pinch of turmeric powder and also crushed black pepper. Then add 60 millilitres of water. If you drink this water daily, it acts as a cancer resistive medicine.

Disclaimer: I have prepared this post based on a health magazine. Please use this post as a reference article only. Please consult your doctor before using any of these instant remedies, and ask his opinion too.

Also read a few more topics about health benefits of vegetables and herbs:

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A freelance writer and blogger by profession since October 2011, interested in writing over a wide range of topics. Hope you enjoy my writings. I belong to one of the beautiful places of the world, Kerala, nicknamed as 'God's own country'.

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