Know more about health and medicinal benefits of garlic

Earlier I have posted one article on the combined benefits of garlic and shallots. You can check it here. This time I would concentrate to garlic only, and let you know its health and medicinal benefits. Many people hate it because of its intense odour and pungent taste, while a few others love to use garlic in every dish. Some others hate it because of the difficulties to peel off its skin. Yet we can’t deny that when you use ginger-garlic paste for dishes, definitely it enhances the taste, smell and nutritious effects of the dish. Now ready-made garlic-paste and ginger-garlic paste are available in stores. Yet they can never substitute the taste and quality of the same product made in our kitchen.


Garlic has been used as medicine since ancient days

Garlic is a good remedy for cold and related discomforts. But do you know ancient Greek physician Hippocrates used garlic in the treatment of diseases related to respiration and digestion and also for tiredness? Since early days in different parts of Asia, garlic has been used in the treatment of bronchitis, high blood pressure, liver diseases, vomiting, acidic problems, intestinal worms, fever, diabetics and tuberculosis.

Garlic is abundant in nutrition and minerals

One ounce of garlic, which is approximately 28.35 gms contain 17% of Vitamin-B6, 15% Vitamin-C, Vitamin – B and Manganese 23%, selenium 6% and fibers 18%. Iron, calcium, copper, phosphorus and potassium are other elements present in garlic in minute quantities. It’s not easy to eat raw garlic because of its intense odour and taste. It’s because of the organo sulphur component – Allicin present in garlic.

Garlic improves heart health

Garlic can influence blood pressure in blood vessels – studies say. Red blood corpuscles convert sulphur content of garlic into hydrogen sulphide which helps in the expansion of blood vessels. Thus it makes blood pressure controlling process easy. Daily consumption of 4 gms of garlic (approximate size of a big clove – an Indian spice) is recommended by German commission to reduce the chances of heart diseases.

Garlic is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral

Garlic has been used as an antibiotic to resist parasitic, bacterial and viral attack, dated back to 7000 years. Thin solution of garlic is a good remedy to tap worm seen in kids. Garlic can successfully resist fungus, bacteria and virus. Garlic can resist food poisoning and disease worms like E-Coli and Salmonella.

Garlic can resist cancer and improve defense power

If you serve garlic daily, it improves body defense mechanism to resist cancer because of the presence of Allyl Sulfide. This component blocks the conversion of PhIP (a type of Heterocyclic amine) into Carcinogen, thus reducing the risk of breast cancer. Daily use of garlic can also reduce the chances of colon cancer, affecting intestine and stomach. It improves overall defence power of human body.

Garlic is good for skin and hair


It contains anti-oxidants and because of its anti-bacterial powers, it kills bacteria of pimples thus removing scars. Unprocessed garlic can get rid of pimples and its marks. Yet applying garlic or garlic juice on skin gives a burning feel.

Garlic for cold and running nose

Garlic is a good remedy for heavy cold. Consume 2-3 cloves (Indian spice) and some garlic (either cooked or uncooked) for a few days. Apart from relieving you from cold, it improves defence mechanism of your body. It can later prevent you from cold and fever, and thus a natural remedy.

Image source: Pixabay

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A freelance writer and blogger by profession since October 2011, interested in writing over a wide range of topics. Hope you enjoy my writings. I belong to one of the beautiful places of the world, Kerala, nicknamed as 'God's own country'.

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