Kerala Vasthu principles to be noted while constructing new home – Common doubts cleared

In many cases, people start to think about Vasthu only after drawing the plan for new construction. Home is the nest to live and a place for peace, and a home constructed with the principles of Vasthu Shastra has durability and it also provides wellbeing to its inmates. It can also influence the mood of people staying in the home. If you truly believe in Vasthu Shastra, you can read proceed and go through a few common doubts which people often ask about Vasthu Shastra. Before constructing a new home, it’s nice to have a brief knowledge about vasthu, so that you can make changes accordingly. This article is based on a column published in Vanitha Magazine and all the suggestions are given by the famous Vasthu expert, Kanippayyur Krishnan Namboodiripad, and here we go.

1. Plot is of 3.5 cents. If the plot is small, should it obey Vasthu principles? Is ‘Vasthu Purusha Sankalpam/Mandala’ applicable for small homes?

Vasthu Purusha implies the land where we are to construct the home, and hence we should consider this factor even for small homes and small pieces of land. Good and bad things affect land irrespective of its structure, and each home/piece of land should be considered a separate entity. Hence all principles should be observed.

2. While constructing homes near to temples and other worship places, what are the things to be noted?

Many people believe that temple premises are not good for constructing homes. But it’s correct 100%. It depends on the nature of deity installed in the temple. Mahavishnu, incarnations of Vishnu and Durga falls under ‘Satvika’ category. Best site location in this case is front-right position. left-back side of the presiding deity is not advisable. Left-front and right-back positions are considered average.

Bhadrakali and Lord Siva are known to be ‘Raudra’ nature. When you build home near to a Siva or Bhadrakali temple, best position is left-back of the installed deity. Never build home on right-front side. Another important point to note – The height of your construction should never be above the temple. Dome (Thazhikakudam) of the temple can be taken for comparison of heights. This principle is applicable for all places of worships irrespective of religion.

3. When you decide the Muhurat of stone foundation ceremony, what things are to be considered?

When you put the first stone, it’s called ‘Griharambham’ (beginning of home construction). Usually as it’s the starting for a good process, best Muhurat is considered (both day and time). You can seek an expert astrologer’s help in this process. Usually he takes note of the birth star of both husband and wife, and chooses a date which is good for both. In this case Ashtama Raasi Kooru is avoided, and doubled checked if the Muhurat suits householder.

4. Which is the best place for bathroom as per Vasthu?

There are no strict Vasthu principles for the construction of bathroom. Yet we can’t take this rule for granted. The line which passes through the centre point of the home from south-north direction to east-west direction is considered as ‘Sushumna Naadi’ of Vasthu Purushan. Diagonal lines touching the centre and each corner are considered as ‘Dhamani’ or nerves.

When you construct bathrooms it should not come in Madhyasoothram (centre portion) and also the corners at north-east and south-west. When you build bathroom in the centre portion, it breaks the Naadi and if constructed at corners, it breaks Dhamani. In short we should not build bathrooms and toilets at corners. When you place closet, it should face south or north. Never place it facing east or west.

5. When you does calculations for new home, does birth star of householder taken into consideration?

No, birth star and birth time of householder is not taken into consideration, because the house not belongs to householder only, and it belongs to several future generations as well. But for constructing new home and house warming ceremony, it can be considered.

6. When you place ‘Kattila’ for new home, some people place gold beneath it. Can it be linked to Vasthu Shastra?

Not at all. In temples, rituals like Garbhanyaasam are done, which is not common in ordinary homes. Before the house warming ceremony, as a part of ‘Panchashira Sthaapanam’, some people may place gold.

7. The land faces south direction. Can you build house facing south direction?

Priority may not be given to construct home in such a way that it faces road. Direction is most important. You can build house facing road or lake only if the direction is best, as per Vasthu principles. First identify in which part of the property you are constructing the home.

When you build Kerala traditional Nalukettu home, certain things are to be considered to know which direction the house should face. Nalukettu has four parts – Kizhakkini, Vadakkini, Thekkini and Padinjaattini. Assume that Thekkini should face north direction. It means the main door or Madhyasoothram should face North. If so, you can enter home through south direction. That means house may face south, but with one condition. Take three or multiples of three for circumference with house facing south. You can plan home in this structure.

8. Should we consider Vasthu while fixing gate?

Yes, certain instructions have been made in Vasthu for fixing gate. When you construct wall at borders, certain spaces are to be specially allocated for gates. In local terms it’s called ‘Padippura’.

When you construct gate in east side, divide the east side of the plot into 9 parts lengthwise and from north-east corner, find space for your gate at 2nd, 4th or 7th part. If first gate comes in approximate middle portion, fix it in a position, revolving (circumvallating) from right to left. That means if wall comes in east direction, from the centre portion of east side, fix the gate towards northern side.

In addition to it, there are two spaces to fix gates in each direction. You can choose any of these three positions to fix gates. But never fix gates towards corners. Divide the wall into 10 equal parts, and fix the gate 1/10th distant from each corner.

9. When a two storey building is constructed, can south-west corner be used as terrace?

When it’s Thekkini Griham or Padinjattini Griham, rooms of second floor should face south or west. As south and west joins at a common point, a room should be constructed in south-north corner. Never leave that space as open terrace, do some construction.

10. Which is the best space for kitchen?

Kitchen may be constructed in the north or east direction. North-east and south-east spaces are equally acceptable. When you construct kitchen in south, never construct work area in east side.

11. As per belief, well should not be dig at ‘Kannimoola’. But if water is available only in that location, what to do?

It is possible, the exact location to dig a well may not contain water or vice versa. There is no written law that well should not be dig at Kannimoola. Solution is to construct a small wall and separate the well. Position for well is fixed at ‘Indrajit Padham’, 2 metre or more (width of courtyard) away from home. Rules are followed within the boundaries, which we separate using walls. In short, consider the space for constructing home as one space and space for well as another.

12. After constructing home, is it possible to build cowshed at north direction?

North side of the home is not the ideal space for cowshed. It should not face south also. You can construct it in the east or west side of the home. Shed for ox or buffalo can be built at southern side.

13. What are the important rituals to be done before housewarming ceremony?

An astrologer can fix your housewarming date and exact time. Vasthubali and Panchasira Sthaapanam should be done before housewarming ceremony so that the new home can be inhibited. Vasthubali is done one day prior to housewarming ceremony. Decorate house and its premises and then do Bali Pooja. After Vasthubali, Panchasira Sthaapanam can be done. Such rituals are done as a repent act to the mistakes committed in the space by other people or ancestors and also for construction faults.  

Panchasirasu means a replica of heads of 5 animals – Gajam (elephant), Koormam (tortoise), Varaham, Mahisham and Simham (lion), and it’s constructed in gold. Each head is made from ½ gm and in total it needs 6.25 gm.

14. What are the important rituals to be done during housewarming ceremony?

Invite your close ones, friends and relatives for the great day and get their blessings before you start living in your new home. To please Lord Ganesa do Ganapati Homam in the early morning. Householder and other members should circumvallate the house with Ashtamangalyam and lighted lamp and enter the home. Men should put right leg first while women should put left leg first. Boiling milk is the next ceremony soon after entering home. Fire remains from Ganapati Homam is used to light the hearth and then boil the milk. Give the milk to everyone present there and happily start a new life in your dream home.

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A freelance writer and blogger by profession since October 2011, interested in writing over a wide range of topics. Hope you enjoy my writings. I belong to one of the beautiful places of the world, Kerala, nicknamed as 'God's own country'.

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