Ice Creams – Simple things I bet you don’t know

Ice cream is every one’s favourite. This dessert has been widely accepted across the globe, and people of all age groups love it. How many simple licks can complete one scoop ice cream cone? Do you know? OK, 50 times is the answer. Let me provide a few more interesting ‘ice cream thoughts.

1. When ice cream touches upper roof of your mouth, it’s a special ‘freeze experience’, and it has one name as well – Brain Freeze.

2. Do you know which the idol temperature to scoop an ice cream is? Between -14 and -12 degree celsious.

3. 1 out of 10 licks the ice cream bowl soon after he completes it – openly admitted by many.

4. In India, ice cream is a big business, which reaches up to 3000 crore.

5. 87% of American homes always keep ice creams in their fridges.

6. Once when ice cream bowl ran out of stock, Waffle Maker gave his waffles to his dearest friend to help him. That’s how world’s first cone ice cream was born in the year 1904 in Syria.

7. Italy holds the current record of making highest ice cream. It was 9 feet high.

8. World famous ice cream brand, Baskin Robbins started the flavour, Beetle Nut in honour of the famous musical band Beetle.

9. In 1984, American President Ronald Reagan chose July as Ice cream month of the year. Third Sunday of every July is also celebrated as Ice Cream day since then.

10. Ancient Greeks enjoyed a dessert similar to ice cream in the 5th century B.C.

11. Ice cream was introduced to upper class of American society as a delicacy in the 1700s, and the first ice cream plant was started in the year 1851.

Image source: Pixabay

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A freelance writer and blogger by profession since October 2011, interested in writing over a wide range of topics. Hope you enjoy my writings. I belong to one of the beautiful places of the world, Kerala, nicknamed as 'God's own country'.

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