How to start with doing exercise? 15 Days exercise regime for you

Whenever you see slim beauty figures around you, or see your gaining weight in mirror reflection, most ladies take an oath of themselves – I will start exercise today morning. But in most cases, such determinations remain in paper or mind only. A few of them kicks off in grand, but their enthusiasm end very soon. For such people, let me provide a 15-Days exercise regime. If you are able to do this, you will definitely get used to the daily habit of exercise. A habit started off nicely which gains such positive results is not easy to stop after all.  

15 Days exercise regime for you

Day 1: You can mark in calendar your first exercise day. Prepare yourself and your mind to spare 20 minutes from your 24 long hours for daily exercise, for the next few days. You can keep note of your daily activities, and choose a time in which you can exercise in a relaxed mood. You can choose any time as per preference, and all those time intervals give almost the same results.

Day 2: Prepare yourself for a long walk today, and let your body know that you have start doing exercises. Also an important note – read 2 litres of water every day, but only in regular intervals as small sips.

Day 3: Push up, sit up, skipping ….. You need not do heavy exercises which you are uncomfortable. Choose comfortable exercises, which you can do in a relaxed mood. Walk for a short distance, use your staircase steps 4-5 times, gardening and a brisk walk around your home – you can choose any. For the next day, walk a little more distance. Walk on flat surfaces only.

Day 4: On the third day of walk, are you feeling a little bit lazy? Never walk just to do it as a ritual, do it for your happiness. Walk free, free of tensions. Listen to songs of your favourite. You can gently smile at those who pass you, and fill positive energy in your mind. Also enjoy the nature and its beauty during your walk, to make your exercises more pleasing.

Day 5: You can add more enjoyment to your exercise, if you find a friend who can accompany for your walk or other forms of exercises. If you engage in conversations, you feel relaxed, and never feel bored or tired too. If anyone of you feels lazy, the other person encourages him.

Day 6: Now you have used to the habit of walking, and slowly turned to an energetic mode. Now you can start other exercises as well. If you have a friend who participates in the plan, you can do crunches, push-ups etc with their help. Plank exercises are very easy, and can reduce belly fat fast. Yet you should never give up the habit of brisk walking. Just spare 5 minutes for hard exercises, and the rest time for walking.

Day 7: Today give rest to your body. But never sleep at day time, or watch television for long hours. You have completed one week of your task, and might have made a clear idea in your mind how to carry it forward to get better results. Now only you can buy running shoes and track suits. Purchase a sip-up bottle to carry water. Wrist band is better than towel to get rid of sweat. Shopping should be in accordance to your needs and comfort zone.

Day 8: You can start off with 5-minutes warm up, followed by 10 minutes brisk walk and 5 minutes of exercise. You need to plan properly at day 8. Keep note of these things in your diary – what are the exercises to be carried off, and how long you have performed each one. You can make some refreshing juices as soon as you reach home, and drink it. You can experiment with different smoothies and shakes, but never add sugar. From today onwards, reduce the oil content in your diet and also fried items.

Day 9: As you have already prepared your ‘game plan’, now you are obliged to perform it daily in an energetic mood. Also find time to do some activities which provide you with mental happiness. Spare this day to go to cinema or beauty parlour or an amusement park. Exercise adds a positive feel to your body and mind. When small and beautiful things get slowly added to your life, small miracles do occur in your life as small joyful moments.

Day 10: Today do exercise for 10 minutes only. Then take a rest. Take a selfie using your phone. After 2 months, you can take second selfie, in which you appear ultra slim.

Day 11: You may skip exercise a few days due to personal reasons best known to you. Diseases, job pressure, rainy day – reason may be any. If you can’t go out, you can do simple exercises at home itself. Take 5-minute meditation before you begin with exercise. Take deep breath and let it go, and continue the procedure 10 times. Most significant is, assure yourself that you spare 4 hours every week for exercises.

Day 12: Now prepare a budget using our workouts and daily activities. Have you taken the time reserved for exercises to do some other activity? If so, put back that time in your account by using some other time interval. Otherwise it can affect the balance of your exercise activities, and you may develop a habit to repeat the same. Keep everything well-balanced, your professional life, personal life and time spared for exercises.

Day 13: Are you a so busy person? You can also do your daily exercises in front of television. You can switch on to your favourite show or news, while doing your morning exercise at home. In intervals, increase the speed of exercises. Now assign marks to the things noted in diary earlier on day 8. Give marks to the exercises you carried off smoothly, those lazy days and also extra-calorie food you took this weekend. A diary for self-assessment, it helps you to get rid of negative things and improvise you better.

Day 14: If you have done something for 2 weeks in a go, it becomes a part of your habit. If you have succeeded to do above 13-days activities, it’s sure you can carry forward it as well. Challenge yourself to reduce body weight in next 2 weeks and so on. You can also determine yourself to reduce weight so that you can wear that favourite dress once again, which you have placed in your wardrobe for long, when you started gaining weight. When you have an aim in mind, it pushes you to strive better.

Day 15: You can notice a new glow in your face, and body a little bit slim. When you start with some exercise, you feel witness body pain. But as our body get used to it, it slowly starts disappearing. Yes, our body has adjusted to exercises. If you are able to improve your exercises, you get better results in short interval of time. So, are you ready for this open challenge? And here we go… 1… 2…. 3……

Image source: Pixabay

Also read a few more articles about exercise regimes for a healthy mind and soul, everybody wants to know. Click on the images in the gallery to read

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A freelance writer and blogger by profession since October 2011, interested in writing over a wide range of topics. Hope you enjoy my writings. I belong to one of the beautiful places of the world, Kerala, nicknamed as 'God's own country'.

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