Flossing is so easy than you think

Bad breath can reduce one’s confidence a lot. Whatever big personality you may be, this one reason is sufficient enough for others to keep distance from you. Though you brush twice a day, your dental cleaning process is complete only if you do flossing process too.

Why flossing is so important?

Though toothbrush removes food particles from your mouth to great extent, its bristles cannot reach everywhere. Floss is a thread like structure, enough to remove food and dental plague between teeth. It can enter even small gaps between teeth. If you do it on a regular basis, you can keep bad breath at bay. It can also reduce gum problems, dental diseases etc.

There is a lot of space in between teeth, and food remains get deposited in those gaps frequently. It can lead to the formation of germs thus resulting in many gum problems. If flossing is done in between the tooth, there are fewer chances for food remains to stay in those areas for a long time, and you can preserve your teeth.

How to floss your teeth?

Place the floss thread in between thumb and index finger, and do the process up and down in between the teeth. When the thread reaches the root, slightly bend the floss and ensure that floss reaches gum as well. The process should be gentle taking enough time. Also never reuse the same floss thread. You can do this process on daily basis once in a day. It’s better to floss your teeth before you do brushing.

When you floss in between the teeth, extra care should be given. If you give extra pressure while flossing, it can damage cells in between teeth. If you have bleeding or feel pain while flossing, consult a dentist.

Two types of floss threads are available

Floss can be of two types – Nylon thread and PTFE (Monofilament). Nylon floss is available in different flavours. Yet they have less strength comparing PTFE.

Image source: Pixabay

Also read a few more topics on dental care. Click on the images in the gallery to read

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A freelance writer and blogger by profession since October 2011, interested in writing over a wide range of topics. Hope you enjoy my writings. I belong to one of the beautiful places of the world, Kerala, nicknamed as 'God's own country'.

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