Do you know the story behind a Teddy bear?

Teddy bear – The favourite toy of both kids and teens. But do you know the story of a teddy bear? I have made teddy bears several times using fur and cotton and given to my friends as gifts. But like everyone, I have never thought at least once about its origin. Once I happened to read an article in newspaper and that’s how I prepared this column. Hoping you would love to read the story of this soft toy – most popular among all toys of the world.

The story of teddy bear

You might have read about former American president Theodore Roosevelt. He was the 26th president of America. This incident happened in 1902 November 14 when Roosevelt was the state senate member of New York.

Once he incidentally witnessed a bear hunt when he was on an official visit as a senate member. An American black bear was tied and brutally beaten by a group of hunters while he was passing by. Seeing the bear’s condition, Roosevelt felt sympathy and at first, he didn’t allow hunters to kill that bear. But seeing the pathetic condition of wounded animal, he garlanded permission to shoot it dead.

This incident gained quick attention and very soon, it was spread throughout the country. Cartoonist Clifford Berryman made this bear a character along with Roosevelt for a political cartoon and the idea clicked. ‘Teddy’ was the pet name of Roosevelt and thus, that bear character was given the name ‘Teddy bear’. Throughout the political life of Roosevelt, Teddy bear was present along with him as cartoon character.

A soft toy made in remembrance of a killed bear

Morris Michtom – a shop keeper made two stuffed bear toys. With Roosevelt’s permission they were given name ‘teddy bear’ and displayed in his shop. Not only kids, but also adults came to the shop to see these stuffed bears. Rosy – Morris’ wife made a few teddy bears and all were sold so quickly. They got some orders too.

Very soon, Morris became a millionaire selling teddy bears. He started the company, ‘Ideal Novelty and Toy Company’ where teddy bears were manufactured and sold. Gradually people all over the world began to get attracted towards this mischievous bear and in 1994, it got patent too.

Today how many types of teddy bears are displayed in toy shops all over the world! How many girls sleep by carrying teddies in their hand! While buying one cute teddy from a shop or while playing with them as a pet, do you remember about that old story of an American bear that was shot dead for human selfishness? Animals are not created by god to be killed by man, but to be loved that they deserve. This teddy bear gives that lovely message to every one of us. Though it was hunted mercilessly by humans, it still stays live in the millions hearts and no doubt, it will be there still this world and love exist!

Image source: Pixabay

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A freelance writer and blogger by profession since October 2011, interested in writing over a wide range of topics. Hope you enjoy my writings. I belong to one of the beautiful places of the world, Kerala, nicknamed as 'God's own country'.

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