P. Viji – Woman activist from Kozhikode who found space in BBC’s list of 100 women of 2018

P. Viji is a social activist and women activist from Kozhikode best known for her efforts towards addressing woman issues in Kerala. E-toilets seen everywhere in Kerala, right for salesgirls to sit for a while during working hours and increase in payment of community Organisers of Kudumbashree are the after effects of some of the social activities of Viji. In November 2018 her name was listed among ‘100 women of 2018’ by BBC, indeed a unique achievement for the woman leader who fights for woman rights, mostly in work places.

P. Viji was born into a poor family in Kozhikode. She grew up watching her mother tirelessly working day and night to make both ends meet, and her mother also faced domestic violence from her father, a bus driver. As a maid too, her mother never received the dignity because of her gender. An idea to work for woman rights sparked in the mind of Viji when she heard the speech of social activist Ajita who encouraged woman to speak and stand against domestic violence and physical abuses. Ajita also warned Viji’s father from abusing her mother which he followed. Slowly Viji started working with Ajita in women activities.

As an influential member of Penkootu based in Mittai Theruvu of Kozhikode (started in 2009), she spearheaded moothrapura samaram – to build toilets at workplaces and irikkal samara – sitting protest and she won both the cases. She has been a part of protest campaign for Supplyco employees, which resulted in the increase of packing charges from 50 paise to 1 rupee per packet.  

P. Viji – Some interesting facts

1. She is a tailor by profession and is associated with tailoring job.

2. She came to Mittai Theruvu with her tailoring job at the age of 24 to make some money to clear loans taken by her family. It was a time when ladies rarely worked in this famous street. Development of Mittai Theruvu with women workers started in 2005 only.

3. She spearheaded the movement to build toilets in work spaces, beginning with Mittai Theruvu. Initially she didn’t get support from shop keepers which forced her to start a move for women’s basic needs.

4. Currently she is the leader of the unorganized trading organizations of Kerala.

5. She married at age 30+ and has always asked her husband Suresh to help her in house chore activities after returning from work. The couple has one son and one daughter.


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A freelance writer and blogger by profession since October 2011, interested in writing over a wide range of topics. Hope you enjoy my writings. I belong to one of the beautiful places of the world, Kerala, nicknamed as 'God's own country'.

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